Murder Room

  'There began my long days of working with Aphrodite. She wasn't too bothered by keeping up appearances. I just went ahead with calling her Pho. Didn't see too much suspicion, she only wanted to work and have a place to rest. I suggested to her my inn, and from there, a small routine began,' he brushed his teeth, flashing the mirror periodically, for strands of blond, '-and would you know,' long curvy hair floated by, "-good morning," said a rather unbothered yawn, "-I swear, this job is going to kill us."

  "You've only started working for three days," he sighed and washed his face, and headed downstairs. 

  "Good morning, Varrek," Sharre nodded, his attention fully on the morning guests.

  "Need a hand?"

  "No, we'll handle it," they replied, "-you got an appointed with him today, don't forget."

  "Right," he took a seat and was promptly served by Isth, "-breakfast as you like it."

  "I love it."