‘-I strangely feel at ease.’

Staxius Haggard's true might, a single man held and saved a realm from destruction. The raging inferno quieted. A hard-fought sigh washed the contoured faces into idle awe. It was nothing they'd ever seen before, '-I did it,' Staxius plummeted into the foliage, crashing down with a loud echo.

  "Staxius," Tharis hurried to his side, "-are you okay?" she scanned head to toe, "-what is this?" a meandering sentient mass stuck and shuffled across his body. Undrar noticed Tharis' visible concern and limped over, "-that's the power of curses," she exhaled, "-no one could have saved the realm."

Tharis patted her chest and looked around – a golden beam split the clouds, "-what is that?" she blinked, "-a clock?" the hour and minutes marker of a giant clock rewound – destruction reversed by the second, the fallen buildings returned as did the dead. Those who died a few minutes ago were revived, '-everything's turning back…'