King vs king

Dei'lo's fortress remained cold as ever. A corpse within the big freeze, frigid and without purpose, idly watching the crashing waves and the sound of death from the mountain. The beat marches to the Alps' whims. Avalanches were uncommon but present. If one were to describe life at Dei'lo fortress, the stark image of cold waters, colder weather, and deep rumbles would pop into mind. A small village made its home at the base, to the south, of which it entered the seas. For a small community, food was scarce and good clothing was scarcer. No raw materials of renown, save the rarely found pelts of monsters. The hunters were prey, and the preys were humans. The main source of income came through tree sap, albeit a very strange trade, "-the darkened sap of the Albo trees are very flammable. It's used by sailors and traders, the Dei'lo fortress of said agent was in high demand.