
  "Typical of you, Staxius, dropping a bombshell then letting it rest. You're quite cruel," Minerva turned to Yui, "-tell me, if you're planning to end everything, what will happen to us?"

  "That, you don't need to worry about," he lit a cigarette, "-if you're troubled, just know that everyone under my care will survive," he looked at a hung map, "-about this campaign, what are you trying to accomplish?"

  "We need control over the mountain range to allow supplies through the land. As for sea support, we could send a few ships, but it will be rather difficult – that place is surrounded by jagged rocks. The land is unpredictable, we don't know what awaits."

  "Basically," he puffed, "-you need to siege that castle to gain access?"

  "Yeah?" Minerva nodded.

  "Understood," he rose, "-call it a night, I'll see you tomorrow."

  "What about the festival?" Yui interjected.