What the Devil represents

  'The crowning of a new demon king. The year reads 5504 on the Demonic calendar of the Fall of the Bloodied Criz, Staxius Haggard ascends to the throne. The honor of writing the events for the people's readership is a task I endeavor to fulfill to the best of my abilities. And thus, with the moon on my side and my pen resting upon my scroll, I shall delve deep into the night of Demon King's coronation. Bear in mind, that a few days have passed, and most of our readers know a new king has been crowned. My purpose is to give insight into the way of the court, the palace, and especially the hidden truths. I understand intrigue and politics are less important to the common demon; after all, why would you care about those? As such, I will put those events as simply as I can and will explain some actions and their impact as I continue.'