Lord Jiagn

 'If there are any,' they added sarcastically.

 "Duke, please reconsider, this is going to hurt the trader's guild. We're the main export of Emerald in this whole of Draebala. It simply isn't far to stop production. We have wealthy customers to think about."

 "Demands bring forth a response. As ruler, I must make sure it is safe for the people, for if the people aren't safe, what is the point of governing," he scanned the crowd, "-and so, I hereby impose a ban on Emerald and Magnia."

Jiagn looked at the duke and scowled, "-are we to take this decree sitting down?" he slammed the table, "-this is unfair. It is tyranny, no one would ever impose such a decision on us. I will speak my mind," he sensed Zyntra's arm reaching, "-allow me this moment," he glanced at the duke, the latter simply sighed with a nod.