Artanos' doubt

A tumultuous era befell the kindling Emerald City. The Shadow Realm's faction made their declaration and thus, leadership was swapped. The populous' reaction, days after the festival was canceled and the announcement made was as such, "-new leadership, what does it matter to us?"

 "I don't know, they say the new leaders are strong. They say we're siding with the demons."

 "You know me, I'd rather side with demons than trust those fake gods. We've suffered enough at their hands."

 "But are they good?"

 "Have you not heard? They've been in charge of the adventuring guild ever since the mortuary was opened. That track record proves them worthy of leading us."

 "It's a matter of survival. If they are strong enough to protect, who are we to care?"

 "Did you hear the other thing?" they spoke hushedly, watching the crowd, "-the noble houses haven't said a thing."