Deadly Sins, Kniq

 'Poor choice,' Artanos stood before his growing army. The harbor was filled with multiple battleships twice the size of normal ships. Titans strode onto the isle, he stood atop one of the warehouses with a prism in hand, '-I was right to strike first. Who thought it would be this simple? I realized he had more up his sleeve than he let on. On that note, the cat, and the way it traveled, gave me the idea of using teleportation in more ways than one. Instead of on land, I used it underwater. Leviathan had vestiges of old undersea villages – use that to mask our presence and the rest is as was,' he looked over the empty fortification, '-they don't have a presence here, seems the army is preoccupied with the central continent. No matter, my stronghold will be ready,' the isle shook, '-the cycle raises,' land masses shifted and levitated, '-with that exposed,' he looked on to the northeast, where the fortress resided, '-a tunnel should be there.'