Chapter 35: Meeting

After all the representatives of the Kingdoms belonging to the Holy Alliance were seated, the Holy Alliance meeting had finally started.

"I'm sure that everyone here knows the main agenda of this meeting, right?" King Arthur said calmly.

The aura around the room was so overbearing for the people below their seishin cultivation level.

Despite these six supreme seishin practitioners were all just calm.

"They started THEIR move after all this time, huh. I think it's mainly because of THAT?" said High King Sythaeryn.

"Yes, they wanted to recruit my student to their ranks or if they can't, they plan to eliminate him. They did not respect our Holy Alliance at all. They sneaked to our territories in Krieg Verwustet and even secretly transversed the Valkyrie forest bordering our Kingdom with the Kingdom of Anthropos just to attack one of my own territories." explained King Arthur.

"Har har har. So they did all of that fer your disciple, eh? Even if I were your enemy, I would also do that! But why did you not bolster the defense of that city of yours!?" Great Chieftain Thangrorlun mockingly said.

This made King Arthur a little furious. "HOW DAR-"

Before King Arthur finished what he was about to say, Duke Gawain interfered to avoid any conflicts.

"Calm yourself, my King." These words made the King stopped acting carelessly.

Duke Gawain continued speaking, "You see, Great Chieftain Thangrorlun, majority of our soldiers were sent to the frontline at that moment. Ever since that time five years ago, the Dark Alliance started to viciously attack our territories in Krieg Verwustet. As a result, we had to bolster our troops there, leaving our own kingdom with fewer soldiers that were assigned to repel invaders and intruders."

"Maybe it was part of their plan to attack you fiercely in the frontline so you will let your guard down here in your own Kingdom." said the High King to the conference.

"Now, the reason why I called this meeting was as all of you know. It was to officially declare war again. I know that it's been a decade since the last fight between our side and that we've signed a treaty with them but they completely violated that treaty themselves. They are not giving us face at all when they've done that." said King Arthur.

Although everyone in the meeting would totally agree to the declaration of war, for the sake of formality, they had to call a meeting just for making this decision.

"All of you who agree for the declaration of hand raise your hand."

In response to that, everyone in the Holy Alliance meeting raised their hands.

As of this moment, the Holy Alliance had declared war to the Dark Alliance.

"King Arthur, why don't you introduce us to that student of yours? I hope that he will live up to our expectations because this upcoming war was because of him." said the High King of the elven race.

"Guards! Summon Kraftvoll at once!" King Arthur commanded.

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

Later, Kraftvoll entered the conference room.

As soon as he opened the door, he felt an immense pressure that was emitted by the six supreme practitioners inside the room.

When he first met his master, King Arthur, the pressure he felt that time was so overbearing for him. But this time, six of them were at the same seishin cultivation, making it more unbearable for Kraftvoll to be in the room.

Despite the pressure in the room, Kraftvoll endured and walked inside the room like nothing's burdening him at all.

He was trained by his master in these past two months in mental training especially for an event like this.

King Arthur helped trained Kraftvoll's mental strength just to put on airs to the pillars of the alliance so that it will be easy to justify the declaration of war.

'So this youngster can withstand the pressure from our aura, huh. It seems like Arthur already trained this child's mental strength.' High King Sythaeryn thought to himself.

Upon entering, Kraftvoll immediately bowed and said, "Greetings, Your Excellencies!"