Chapter 39: Second And Last Station

After Kraftvoll finished his assessment, he finally moved to the next station.

He caught up with Princess Kyomi after reaching the line at the next assessment station.

"Hey, Kyomi!" Kraftvoll called out the princess.

"Hey, Kraftvoll! How's your assessment?" asked Princess Kyomi.

"Well, you know the result already," said Kraftvoll.

"I'm just messing with you. Did the people's jaws dropped?" Princess Kyomi jokingly asked.

Kraftvoll just laughed in response. These two kids continued to kid around until they saw Belle came to the line of the next station.

They waved at her while smiling. In response, she smiled back at them.

She didn't show the dissatisfaction that she felt previously to them because she was afraid that she would worry her friends about her.

Time passed by very quickly and it was finally Princess Kyomi's turn again.

She stepped up to the second station and had her bone age checked.

"Bone age: nine years old. You passed. You may go to the last station, Your Highness."

After princess Kyomi's assessment, Kraftvoll stepped up to have his bone be checked of its age. "Bone age: 9 years old. You passed. You may go to the next station."

The first station's assessor's eyes widened, 'What!? That kid is really nine years old!? What a genius!' he thought to himself after hearing the announcement.

After the assessment in the second station, the two kids finally moved to the next station.

They didn't wait for Belle to finish because there are numerous children who were ahead of her and they wanted to watch the practical tests of others who were being assessed.

In the last station, the children were evaluated by the representatives of the advance academies based on their seishin spell demonstration.

"You may demonstrate your strongest spell now." the person-in-charge of the last station said to the boy at the stage.

In response to this, the kid started his chanting.

"I command thee, ye who represents stability, grant my wish." said the boy to cast his seishin spell.

Brown seishin essence started gathering around the boy as he said his chants. "Protect thy master! Earth Guard!"

After finishing his chant, an armor of earth started to envelop him.

This was just a basic spell of the earth spell so it's not an amazing feat.

After he finished casting the spell, the boy put his hands toward the seishin orb.

"Affinity: Earth element. Middle Seishin Warrior." said the assessor.

Since it was not that amazing, only the representative of the Elsolmose academy stoop up and invited the child, "I, who represents Elsolmose Academy, invites you to join us!"

No other representatives stood up so the boy accepted the only offer available to him.

"I will be glad to be a student of Elsolmose Academy."

Not all of the children that passed the first and second stations pass in this last station. Some of them were not chosen by any representatives because they were measuring the children by assessing the inner seishin that was released by the children.


Time passed by very quickly. Belle finally finished the assessment of the second station and went to the line of the last station.

Dozens of minutes had passed, it was finally Princess Kyomi's turn to show her talent.


"It's finally my turn! Just watch me from here Kraftvoll." Princess naughtily said.

"Good luck, Kyomi!"

Princess Kyomi finally stepped up to the stage to show what she got.

"You may now demonstrate your abilities, Your Highness." said the assessor.

The princess started saying her chants, "I command thee, Illuminate thy master's path, put those who oppose thy master to the nirvana, Light Arrow!"

When the princess was saying her chant, white seishin specks were surrounding her. And after she finished the chant, arrows of light were formed and it was discharged to the assessment target.

The arrow of light went through the assessment target and it created a hole.

"As expected of the princess!"

The spectators of the last station of the assessment were left in awe after seeing the princess's capabilities.