Chapter 58: Godwin's Fiancee

The day of the selection tournament of the 210th class had finally arrived. The students of the 210th class were seated in the audience seats of the sparring arena in the first years' building.

"I'm so happy today! There are no classes today because of this selection tournament." said happily by Godwin. He was very happy about this event because he was lazy in his elemental studies.

Teacher Kyleen, who was standing at the sparring arena, heard Godwin talking loudly so she gave him a cold stare.

"Why do I feel a shiver running down my spine just now?" Godwin wondered.

"Look at the sparring arena, Brother Godwin," whispered Kraftvoll to the confused Godwin.

When Godwin turned around, he gazed toward the sparring arena and he saw the cold glare of their homeroom teacher, Teacher Kyleen.

"Hiieeek! I'm so sorry, teach! I'm going to be quiet now." said Godwin with a pale face out of fear to her teacher.

When all the students of the 210th class quieted down, she started talking.

"We will now start our selection tournament. 6 of you did not want to participate and decided to withdraw so there are only 16 participants who will be partaking at this selection tournament. Let's start our first battle. Arothia. Aredhel. Both of you are up."

Two elven girls stood up after hearing Teacher Kyleen's calling their names. They replied to their Teacher, "Understood, teach!"

They went down the arena after replying to Teacher Kyleen's call.

When they reached the arena, Teacher Kyleen started the first match shortly.

"Bow down to each other to show your respect," said Teacher Kyleen. The two elven girls bowed to each other as their homeroom teacher commanded them to.

"Prepare your guard," said Teacher Kyleen.

After hearing this, the two elven girls that were in the first match of the selection tournament of the 210th class put their guard up.


The two started clashing.

Aredhel had the upper hand in the battle. Unlike her opponent, she had three elemental affinities while Arothia only had two elemental affinities.

The first match finished with Aredhel's victory. Not only she had more elemental affinities, but her seishin cultivation is also one level higher.

"The winner of this match is Aredhel!"

The two bowed to each other after the battle. Everyone clapped after hearing the results.

The second match's contestants of the selection tournament was between a human girl named Sabina and an elven boy name Herath.

When Princess Kyomi saw the girl named Sabina, she felt that she was somewhat familiar. "She is the daughter of the great Duke Schwert, right?" asked Princess Kyomi to Godwin.

"Yes, she is like me. The two of us both came from a duke family with a Majestic Seishin Demigod at its rank. It can be said that both of our family have equal powers." said Godwin.

After dozens of minutes, Sabina was able to win against her opponent. After exiting the sparring arena, she came toward Godwin and said, "Did I do good, fiancee?"

This made Godwin's face all red. "Hey!" he shouted with a flustered.

"Hmph! You can't even praise your fiancee a little even if she di good," said Sabina with a pouting face. She went to her seat after talking to Godwin.

Everyone near Godwin stared at him. Even Kraftvoll is a close brother of his still did not know about a thing about this.

"I thought I'm your brother! We've been classmates and brothers or a month now, how come you didn't tell me that one of our classmates is your fiancee?" said Kraftvoll with a little upset face.

"It's just something our ducal families arranged. As you can see, we're not that close. We are not even talking this past month. That girl has some ulterior motives when she talked to me." said Godwin with a pissed face.

"Oh, the next battle is starting. Let's talk about this later," said Kraftvoll.

"Princess Gloriel. Prince Aragorn. Come down here." said Teacher Kyleen.

"It's now your turn, Gloriel. Good luck!" said Princess Kyomi to Princess Gloriel. "Good luck to the two of you!" said all of their every friend.

The two of them stood up and said, "Understood, teach!"

They went down after responding to Teacher Kyleen's call. They bowed to each other. "Prepare your guard," said Teacher Kyleen.

These two classmates of Kraftvoll did their battle stance.

"Battle start!" said Teacher Kyleen as she backed down.

Princess Gloriel took a back step and started chanting, "Ye who represents stability, grant my wish.."