Chapter 64: Not Yet

Both Princess Kyomi and Prince Aragorn started chanting their seishin spells at the same time. This only meant that both of these seishin spells were set off at the same time.

In contrary to the release time of these seishin spells, both of them did not reach their target at the same time. Light attributed spells were faster in comparison to the seishin fire spells which were cast by the elven prince which was why the light arrows reached Prince Aragorn's side first.

The majority of the light arrows that were launched toward Prince Aragorn were deflected by him using the blazing shield that he was holding in his left hand.

Unfortunately, some of those light arrows managed to hit the elven prince. Fortunately, it was not at the level that it will affect his movement in the fight. It was just a minor wound that only made a little difference in Prince Aragorn's battle performance.

At the human princess's side, the fireballs barely reached Princess Kyomi. She was able to evade against these fiery balls because of the enhancement in her speed which was one of the effects of the Lightguard seishin spells.

The area that was hit, also where Princess Kyomi was currently standing, by the fireballs was enveloped by smoke.

As the smoke enveloped that area, Princess Kyomi used this opportunity to cast a seishin spell when Prince Aragorn cannot see what was going inside.

"As the element who represent fear itself, restrict those who oppose me, Shadow Bind!"

Black seishin specks started gathering around Princess Kyomi as she chants her seishin spell. This can only mean that she was casting a Dark seishin spell.

Prince Aragorn can't properly see what was going on inside the area where the smoke was enveloping. Also, Princess Kyomi said the chant in a low voice so he had no idea that she started chanting inside the smoke. He can't even see the black seishin specks as the human princess was chanting.

After the princess finished her chants, a shadow was formed out of the black seishin specks that were gathered around Princess Kyomi when she was chanting earlier. That shadow suddenly went to the elven prince as soon as she finished her chant.

Outside the smoke, Prince Aragorn was carefully observing if his opponent would make a sudden move. To his surprise, a shadow suddenly sprang up out of the smoke. A moment later, the shadow constricted him and he was unable to move from his place.

'Shit! I have to remove this! It is fortunate that I knew that seishin spell. But I better cast it fast or else!' the elven prince cursed in his mind.

Prince Aragorn started chanting to remove the constrict of the Shadow Bind, "Illuminate thy master's path, Purification!"

Light seishin essences started gathering around the elven prince. Those white seishin specks slowly removed the power of the Shadow Bind that was restricting the elven prince making him unable to move.

'Faster! Faster! I have to remove this or else, It would be like last time when I fought Belle. I nearly lost that time because I let my guard down!' Prince Aragorn thought to himself while panicking a little.

After the white seishin specks completely removed the binding that was given by the Shadow Bind spell, Prince Aragorn looked at the site where Princess Kyomi cast the Shadow Bind spell earlier.

To his surprise again, he saw arrows made up of light particles again that were launched toward him.

"Crap!" said Princess Aragorn because of his shock of the development of the battle.

"Light Arrow!" Princess Kyomi suddenly shouted.

The light arrows that were pointed at the elven prince immediately launched toward him. Since he was not be able to cast a seishin spell to counter those light arrows because he lacked time to do so. That's why, he used his blazing shield to defend himself.

Those light arrows hit Prince Aragorn one by one. Some of them were deflected by the Blazing Shield that he cast earlier but the rest hit him very badly.

"Yes!" said Princess Kyomi in joy seeing that she was able to injure the elven prince.

Teacher Kyleen saw the injury that Princess Aragorn had taken so she started saying that the match is over. But before she can even open her mouth, Prince Aragorn shouted, "Not yet!"