Chapter 87: Victory

After Teacher Kyleen saw that all of the members of the girls' team were unable to continue fighting back against the boys, she shouted, "THAT'S ENOUGH!"

She announced the result right after that. She shouted, "The winners for this fight is the boys' team!"

After hearing the result, the members of the boys' team started to put their guard down. Godwin decided to let Adele go and he canceled the Wind Blade right after that because the match was already. While Prince Aragorn canceled the Ice Prison which made it dissolve into water, which made Aredhel be able to move again.

At the same time, Kraftvoll canceled the two seishin spells that he conjured during their fight with the girls. Kraftvoll's shadow familiar let Princess Kyomi go from its grasps and it immediately disappeared completely right after Kraftvoll canceled that seishin spell. While the Whirlwind seishin spell that made Belle swirling in the sky slowly descend and it stopped its swirling movement until it was completely gone.

Teacher Kyleen immediately went to the side of the exhausted Sabina. She decided to give her a seishin beast core to quickly replenish her exhausted inner seishin essences.

After Sabina absorbed the seishin beast core to her inner seishin essences reservoir, her exhaustion went away along with the restoration of her inner seishin essences.

"Okay, everyone, gather up!" said Teacher Kyleen after she cleaned up the damages that the previous battle had caused in the sparring arena. The nine representatives of the 210th class gathered after hearing their homeroom's teacher command to them.

Teacher Kyleen started talking after she saw her students finished up settling in the placed they find comforting. She said to them, "The first battle between the two teams of our class ended up in the boys' victory! Don't be disheartened, girls. You have plenty of times to avenge your loss today because we will do this kind of battle a lot until the time for the Verrater Academy's Yearly Tournament come."

She continued talking, "Now, let's start to discuss what went wrong..."

They discussed everything that happened and what went wrong in the fight for dozens of minutes. They spent the rest of the day in seishin cultivation and learning more battle strategies from their teachers.

The days quickly went by. Without them noticing it, the day before the tournament quickly arrived. Nearly a month had passed after the day the representatives of the 210th class battled against each other as teams. In their team fights, the girls managed to almost tie up to them in terms of wins but the boys managed to outdo the girls in that because they had Kraftvoll in them.

It was Monday morning and the boys and the girls just finished a team battle. Teacher Kyleen started talking after her students had settled down, "This is your last training day, everyone. Tomorrow is the day when all of you can show your might to your fellow geniuses studying in our great Verrater Academy. Show them what you got!"

"Yeah!!" Kraftvoll and the other representatives shouted. "The headmaster decided to cancel all of the elemental classes today so all of you should rest today and take it easy," said Teacher Kyleen.

This announcement made Godwin, who was lazy in studying, very happy. "YEHEY! NO CLASSES!" he shouted after hearing her homeroom teacher's announcement.

After she saw Godwin being loud, Teacher Kyleen glared at him very coldly and she said to him, "Quiet!"

That one word made Godwin immediately quiet down. After studying under her for two months, he became to know her homeroom teacher's temperament.

Teacher Kyleen continued talking, "Your opponents tomorrow have more battle experience than all of you. Do not fret because I'm sure that all of tou will do good in your battles. Rise through the ranks because the higher your rank in this yearly tournament, the more budget, your class will receive in this whole academic year."

"Oh. And here I thought that this was just a simple tournament, just an exchange of pointers between students. But there is a prize?" said Kraftvoll who was just thinking loudly.

"Of course there are! Half of your class budget will be coming from the prize you got from the three-man team tournament while the other half is the prize you got from the six-man team," explained Teacher Kyleen.

Prince Aragorn raised his hand to ask an inquiry, "How about the prize of the Battle Royale?"