Chapter 112: Three-Man Team Competition Starts

The two teams bowed down to each other as a sign of respect to their opponents. After the master of the ceremony saw this, he decided to start the match immediately.

"The first match of the elimination round of the three-man team competition will now... START!" said the emcee while backing down from the main stage of the competition.

All of the spectators of the Alstan Stadium cheered very loudly after the emcee announced the start of the first fight of the competition.

As soon as they heard the emcee's cue of the beginning of their match, Kraftvoll's team and their opponents' team backed away from each other.

Kraftvoll and the other boys immediately started chanting their seishin spell right after they took a step backward.

Kraftvoll chanted, "Ye who represents stability, grant my wish, repel anything in thy master's path, Great Earth Guard!"