Chapter 176: Way Home

The day of the trip of the 210th class had finally arrived. Within these few days, the students of the 210th class managed to hunt many seishin beasts. The tasks given to each group were very simple so all of them had more time to hunt and explore the Central Valkyrie Forest.

Teacher Kyleen and the other elemental teachers knew that this was going to happen. In response to this prediction of them, the Verrater Academy prepared in advance. They sent many carriages in the last of their trip.

To transport all of these carcasses, they needed many carriages because some of the bodies of the seishin beasts were huge.

Along with the numerous carriages, the teachers and the academy already arranged for these bodies of seishin beasts to be brought back to the academy by bringing some men.

All of the body parts of the seishin beasts especially those who had special bloodlines can be used in alchemy and enchantments.