Chapter 181: Devious Idea

After watching the spectacle that the crown prince had shown, all of the audiences of the Fireworks event were all at loss for words. Most of the jaws of the spectators were dropped after seeing the nice scenery that he managed to create.

After seeing the spectacular piece of work that Crown Prince Absalom had done, Kraftvoll's eyes were wide open like the other people who watched the event with him. A moment after those flames were extinguished, a great idea came to Kraftvoll's mind.

After he thought of a plan, Kraftvoll showed a devious smile right after that idea came to his mind. Beside him, Godwin noticed his devious smile.

He asked him, "Why are you smiling like that, First Brother? What are you planning this time?"

After knowing his First Brother for a long time now, he started to memorize the meaning of Kraftvoll's various expressions. That's why he knew that he was up to something again this time.