Chapter 196: Settling The Matters By Duel

After hours of hunting treasures, Kraftvoll and the students of the 210th class were able to encounter the second graders in one of the treasure clues in the Mt. Verrater.

After thinking for a long time, the leader of the second graders proposed, "I propose a duel between one student from both of our classes. I propose this duel to be between one member of each class except for the presidents of each class."

He proposed to the first graders because he knew that it was greatly advantageous for his class and himself. After some of them fought him, all of them knew that Kraftvoll's seishin cultivation was beyond any of the students in their class. It only meant that whoever fights against him would surely lose.

After hearing the proposal of the leader of the second graders, Godwin's brows suddenly frown at each other. He thought that it was pretty much disadvantageous to their part.