Chapter 200: Deepest Fear

After winning the right for the treasure clue, Kraftvoll and the other students of the 210th class started to search the area based on the clue that they got. After searching for a while, Princess Kyomi managed to find it at the top of one tree in the vicinity of the treasure clue.

After she got down from the tree, she was holding another unopened box. After receiving the treasure box, Kraftvoll decided to put it in their class' cart along with the other unopened treasure boxes. 

After hunting that treasure, the 210th class decided to go to their search in the mountain right away. After finding the treasure, all of the scouts went to do their duty while Kraftvoll and their other classmates transverse into the mountain.

They spent the next hours searching for treasure clues and doing the instructions written in those things. While doing this, all of the students of the 210th class enjoyed this event.