Chapter 210: Result Of Written Exam

"Okay, those who are not taking the written exam for the light seishin element may take their leave. You can come here when it's time for your elemental subject," said Teacher Kyleen as soon as she entered the room.

After hearing this, Kraftvoll showed a big smile toward his two sworn brothers. He was teasing in his gaze. In response, Godwin felt a little annoyed with his First Brother.

After an hour, Teacher Kyleen let those students who have elemental affinities to the earth element enter after the students of the element of light finished theirs. 

The same procedure happened for the next elemental classes. The students of the 210th class come and go to the classroom. 

After six hours of giving the written examinations, Teacher Kyleen decided to take a break for a moment. After all, she has been facilitating students for over six hours now. While doing so, she can also give her students some free time after some hard examinations.