Chapter 214: End Of First Year Experience

After Kraftvoll finished off two seishin beasts with level three strength, Teacher Kyleen decided to announce the result of his battle. She shouted, "Kraftvoll was able to beat those couple of seishin beasts. Therefore, I declare him to have passed the third and the last test of the Promotion Exam!"

After he was able to pass his last test with flying colors, Kraftvoll returned to his classmates with a big smile on his face. As he went toward his classmates, he was greeted by his classmates with smiles and praises.

"You're the best, First Brother!"

"That is awesome, Kraftvoll!"

"Congratulation, President!"

After hearing all of these praises, Kraftvoll couldn't help but be flustered by his classmates' greetings. After he finished his last test, all of his classmates crowded at him. After finishing a feat like that one, they were extremely proud of their president.