Chapter 219: I Want To Be..

'Master told me to choose whatever on my mind but I really wished he told me the best one.' Kraftvoll thought to himself while he was decided on his secondary path.

While he was thinking very hard, Kraftvoll was able to see the seishin device that he was wearing on his neck. It is the seishin treasure that he got from the Treasure Hunt event during their first year at the academy.

This seishin device in his neck was only considered as a low-level seishin device. After all, it only has a low effect on the seishin cultivation of seishin practitioners. That's the matter for the normal seishin practitioners, but it was different for someone with Kraftvoll's talent.

Normally, this seishin device boosts seishin cultivation by about 5 percent per element. Average seishin practitioners in the Verrater Academy have elemental affinities in two different elements.

This means that it will only add a 10 percent cultivation speed of a normal seishin practitioner.