Chapter 238: We Must Not Fail This Time!

After Kraftvoll and his two sworn brothers saw the enemy conjuring a terrifying seishin spell using the seishin fusion technique, they immediately went to do something about it without a moment of hesitation.

Kraftvoll chanted, "Ye who symbolizes the purification of the soul, I require thee, protect the realm of thy master with your gushing might, Swirling Stream Sphere!"

An enormous amount of blue seishin essences gathered around Kraftvoll as soon as he began saying the words of his chant. In the middle of saying his chant, those blue seishin essences started transforming into vapors of water.

At the same time, Prince Aragorn started chanting a seishin spell. He chanted, "Ye who symbolizes the purification of the soul, I require thee, let the coldness of thy master's heart to protect his domain, Frost Sphere!"