Chapter 221: A Little Tour

After agreeing to join, Kraftvoll and Belle followed the leader of the convention to the rooms inside the main building of the Inventor's Convention for a little tour of its various facilities.

On their way inside, the leader of the Inventor's Convention decided to introduce herself to Kraftvoll and Belle. She said, "Um before I start guiding the two of you, let me introduce myself. My name is Molly Le Prates. I am the third daughter of Governor Cirdon Le Prates of the Fhinnuisce Kingdom."

After hearing the introduction of their soon-to-be leader in the faction of the inventors, Kraftvoll and Belle decided to introduce themselves as well. After all, it was the right courtesy to do in that very situation.

Kraftvoll was the first one to initiate to introduce himself. He said, "I am Kraftvoll. Pleased to meet you!"