Chapter 227: WHAT!?

Upon reaching Alstan Stadium, Kraftvoll immediately went to Teacher Liebe's side to ask for forgiveness for the tardiness of himself and his sworn brothers, "Teach! Forgive us for being late! Something happened so we just managed to come at this very moment."

After hearing Kraftvoll, Teacher Liebe looked his way. This made Kraftvoll even more nervous than before. 'Is she going to get angry with us? This is the first time then if she did.' Kraftvoll thought to himself.

A moment later, she decided to say something to Kraftvoll and his two sworn brothers. She said, "Sit here beside me, you three misfits." After hearing their homeroom teacher, Kraftvoll and his sworn brothers looked among each other.

The three of them showed a happy expression as they follow their followed their homeroom teacher's command. Despite smiling earlier, they couldn't help but be nervous when they were able to sit.