Chapter 233: Defending My Teammates

After the barrage of the Icicle Rain seishin spell to the third graders, all of them were hit pretty hard by those icicles that the enemy rearguard had launched. Among the girls that were hit badly, Belle was the one that managed to come out of it with not-so-serious damage.

As soon as she knew that the barrage of the Icicle Rain stopped, Belle immediately checked the condition of her teammates without wasting any time.

'Kyomi did not sustain that much damage, but both Sabina and Aredhel did sustain severe ones. Wait a minu-! I can't found Gloriel and Adelle! Is that mean that they got away?'

Although they were able to escape the Earth Tremor seishin spell, Princess Gloriel and Adelle were also hit by some of those icicles from the seishin spell that the rearguard of the enemy team had conjured.