Chapter 244: Hunting Ground

'That was a relief! It's a good thing that I hid here! Big Bro Kraftvoll did not find me!' said Prince Uther as Kraftvoll charged toward the upper part of Mt. Verrater.

He was under the ground where Kraftvoll was running earlier. The youngest prince would probably be found out if Kraftvoll used a detection seishin spell like Wind Scan seishin spell.

After transversing the mountain for some minutes, Kraftvoll decided to do something so he halted on his advance toward the deeper part of Mt. Verrater. 

As soon as he stopped he chanted, "As the symbol of the mysteries of the world, I instruct thee, bring the opposed of light unto this world, Umbrage Vassal!"

Before Kraftvoll began chanting, he was suddenly enveloped by a seishin aura with the color of black. When he started chanting, the black seishin essences from the surroundings suddenly started gathering around him.