Chapter 253: Not Yet Over!

After he and his companions managed to hunt an Angel Squad, Kraftvoll decided to do the post-hunting procedure. He commanded to his seishin beast partners and summoned familiar, "Put your prey here beside the Principality. I am going to free these three so that we can bury them later on."

After hearing Kraftvoll's command, Kraftvoll's three companions followed him without any form of objection. After they did what Kraftvoll wanted them to do, Kraftvoll shouted, "Serpent Wave!"

Suddenly some of Kraftvoll's inner seishin essences came out of his body. A moment later, those inner seishin essences of Kraftvoll suddenly turned into vapors of water at the same time.

At the next moment, those vapors of water condensed together forming a wave in the shape of a serpent that Kraftvoll launched toward the carcasses of the Angel Squad that they managed to hunt earlier.