Chapter 304: Battle Against The Regimental Commanders

As soon as the frozen Python Stream began to crack, Princess Kyomi and the others, who were not preoccupied with something, decided to finish the seishin spells that they were conjuring.

The first person to react is the human princess, she shouted, "Murky Conflagration!"

After gathering an enormous amount of red seishin essences from her surrounding, she was able to conjure a dark flame in which she launched to the enemy regimental commander frozen inside the Python Stream seishin spell.

Since it was currently still daytime, Princess Kyomi compensated the needed dark seishin essences from her inner seishin essences reservoir. 

When the frozen Python Stream seishin spell was hit by the black flame conjured by Princess Kyomi, it immediately melted in a matter of seconds.

That's when Godwin shouted what he was conjuring saying, "Blazing Gale!"