Chapter 306: Kraftvoll's Disastrous Fate

Shock began to show at the face of Kraftvoll's current enemy as he saw Kraftvoll's ominous silhouette upon the shadow of the clouds of dust.

"Is that!?" he could only utter upon seeing the spectacles in front of him.

A moment later, Kraftvoll suddenly emerged from the spectacles with an ominous aura of six different colors.

"What is that shit!? His aura became different from before!" muttered the enemy.

All of a sudden, Kraftvoll made a sudden move that his enemy was unable to respond to. Before he knew it, Kraftvoll was holding his neck without him being able to do a thing.


Kraftvoll's previous bloodthirsty eyes turned into something even more ominous. A moment later, he said, "YoU MeRee MoRtAlL!!! DAarRE tO OfFenD ThIs DeiTy!!??"