XVII. Countering the Coup

I looked above and saw that the drones and ships caught up to us. C.H.R.I.S. had already deployed the repair drones, which looks like camera drones but with added welding tools and other small scale power tools. I ducked down the rock for cover and prepared my rifle, switching it to single shot.

I took a quick peek at over the rock to see what I'm about to deal with. There were two ships that landed in front of me, the doors opened out comes two soldiers went out with high caliber rifle, four droids with machine gun arms, and six drones. They marched forward to create a formation but before they could even finalize it, I shot one of the soldiers, killing him instantly. I fired another shot at a drone but only grazed its shoulders.

The remaining soldier ducked down to avoid getting killed and the drones went frenzy in shooting my cover. I changed the firing mode to rapid fire and fired away. We exchanged fire, it was bad but my goal is not only to be alive but make sure the ship isn't that damage. It took awhile but after an intense firing they switched up to a different formation which gave me a small window to shoot them one by one.

I killed all them which only cost me about two charge mags. I looked over my ship to see that the repair drones are near in completing the whole thing. I walked inside to see if there is something else I could do, but before I could take the first step a blast nearly grazed my right side.

I ducked down and fired my gun but it was out of charge, I glanced to see if the mags is nearly charged. The firing continued, I peeked a little and saw that the remaining drones and ships were there. They kept the barrage, I was running out of cover and on the verge of having my thoughts on what heaven looks like.

My cover was nearly decimated and my head is about to be seen in range, my luck has finally ran out. But lo and behold, lady luck was not yes away for my rifle beeped, the mags are fully charged. Not only that but C.H.R.I.S.' repair drones finished the weapons system, he fired a barrage of missiles on the remaining enemy forces decimating them.

I took a moment to catch my breath and saw that the impact left nothing but ashes. I walked up to see the damage a little closer, after all I want to know who sent these goons after me. I walked up near the bodies, most of them were charred but I saw one of which I shot down not burnt. I looked closer and saw that he was wearing the same uniform as I am. My eyes widen and my lungs tighten, could this be Celestine? I looked around some more. I saw one of the ships still intact.

"Base to technician. We have the council on hold as well as Celestine, have you done your part?" A distorted voice over the comms.

For a moment I was my doubts were cleared up, Celestine wasn't the one who wanted me dead. But Celestine is the one who might be dead if I stay here. I raced down back to the ship and the repair drone were not there because they've probably finished the repairs. I stepped inside and started the engines.

"C.H.R.I.S. is everything good to go?" I asked him.

"Everything is functional. We may looked banged up but we can fly."

"Good, can you track Celestine's position?"

"She's on M'Khari's dead planet."

"How long can we chart a location?"


"What?" I was confused, because normally charting a course to a planet you have not reach takes about five minutes. But this was fast.

"We have the location of their moon on our log history. Yakron"

"Great... this will not go smooth." I lifted the ship up and followed the coordinates to the nearest warp point.

Back on the Splendor, Celestine and the Council are still being held at gunpoint while M'Kari continues his monologue. Celestine looks at the soldier that is putting her at gunpoint, she glances over the council, four council members and seven pointing guns with two other guys plus M'Khari. Her mind is racing, calculating every possible option.

Everything happened so fast. Celestine disarms the guy in front of her and shoots him dead, the bang was loud. The room sounded like an isolated thunderstorm as several deafening sounds reverberated through the room, about six bangs and six bodies drop. She was quick on her finger that M'Khari stood frozen, Celestine could hit him but she was worried about the council.

The councilwoman saw before her eyes that the man pointing a gun at her fell down. It was almost instinctive that they all ducked down and covered their head, but the councilwoman picked the gun and shot down three. She wasn't as quick as Celestine but she was quick enough to shoot them dead.

M'Khari saw the councilwoman and fired at her, Celestine traded fire but M'Khari quickly fled the room. Celestine rushed over to the councilwoman to check her condition, she saw her lying on the floor bleeding.

"Madam councilwoman are you okay?" She said while looking for the impact wound.

"I'm fine dear, barely a graze. Go get him"

Celestine rose and chased after M'Khari. There was a considerable distance between them but she can see him. She shot her gun near his foot to slow his pace, M'Khari turned and pointed the gun, Celestine fired and hit the gun knocking it out of his hand. She continued firing at him but she wasn't really aiming at him, just the door behind him. She hit the door which automatically went into a lock.

Celestine rushed in to capture M'Khari but she was taken off guard when D'Carki was waiting for her, tackled her to the ground knocker her down and the gun off her hand. D'Carki put her knee on Celestine's neck as he signalled M'Khari to run. Celestine punched D'Carki on the knee which loosen the hold on her neck, she then pushed her aside as she runs to tackle M'Khari.

D'Cakri pulled Celestine's hair back to her, Celestine turned and grabbed her hand swiftly doing a judo maneuver putting D'Carki on the ground. Celestine back kicked M'Khari which made him step back a little, she jumped and punched him. D'Carki stands up and smack Celestine on the head. Celestine elbows her, D'Carki dodged and she punched her in the gut. M'Khari punched Celestine. The two of them took turns beating Celestine. Celestine is holding out on her own but she knows that anytime she could be killed.

D'Carki puts Celestine on a choke-hold, both of them were standing still. M'Khari looked for his gun, he found it along with Celestine's gun, he picked it up and aimed the gun against her head. Celestine's mind went black. She knows that she might have no other way out.

Out of nowhere the ship suddenly trembled. M'Khari paused to think what might cause the trembling. He opens his holowatch and contacts Tves.

"What's happening out there?"

"We have a problem. It's Rover, he's alive." Tves informed them through the radio.

"Then send the welcoming party!"

"That's the thing, he is sweeping them clean. And he's nearly finished with the last two waves."

Celestine took this opportunity to knee stomp M'Khari which threw him off balance. She then used that momentum to put D'Carki down, they both hit the floor. D'Carki lost her grip on Celestine, Celestine rolled away and with no other weapon pulls out McGuffin 45 to bash it on her head. As she raised McGuffin 45 it begin to glow green, then a little pulse of electricity, she hit D'Carki's head which suddenly electrified by the item killing her instantly.

Celestine was shocked and surprised but what she saw. She wanted to question what it was but her focus was shifted back to her fight, yet when she lifted her head to look M'Khari straight in the eye he was no longer there.

She tightened her grip on the Mcguffin and realized the fight is far from over.