XVIII. Final Boss Fight?

I took my eye off Celestine and back to the duke. What I saw was not a man frozen in fear at the sight of his best assassin unconscious, rather I saw nothing at all. I quickly turned all over the place looking out for that man making sure I prepare myself for any surprise attack from him. All the while beating those who came after me and Julia.

As I prepared myself for his ambush, I somehow caught a glimpse of the proud brave duke doing the exact opposite. Rainek pushed and struggled to slip past the mosh pit of bitter officers fighting for their leaders and beliefs towards the exit.

My body unconsciously followed after him but before I left, I tapped Strife as I pointed to Nico who is now defenseless. Strife took notice and called out Celestine to switch and protect her own cousin from the fray.

Celestine stood besides her cousin, Strife ran and jumped back to Nico. Strife carried Nico out of the gallery and to somewhere safe. Celestine grabbed Julia's hand, instructed her to lay low, and they themselves went somewhere safe.

I walked to the strong current of rumbling individuals, dodging wild haymakers and pushing aside those on my way. Taking a couple of steps are physically taxing, it made me think of how strong Rainek could potentially be realizing that he barely broke a sweat getting to the exit. I continued to fight the flood, occasionally serving a few kicks and punches to those who won't budge.

There are some who would grab me by the shoulder, I simply shrug them off, with a punch of course. My slow and strenuous exit was quite difficult with the thick fog of brawlers obscuring the exit. As they grow bigger and bigger, my patience diminishes. I began to follow Celestine's descent to street fighting as I grabbed the person next to me as a shield and furniture as weapons.

I finally got out of the rowdy courtroom. I couldn't help lean against the wall opposite the exit door as my legs became sponge and my fist brittle. I exhaled out my lungs refreshing myself, I stood up straight and fixed my jacket and swept my hair back.

I looked at both of the hallways to check on Rainek. And there he was, walking at a brisk pace. I followed the coward as he was unaware of my presence. I pulled out one of my guns and pointed at the back of his head. I am aware that I could shoot him down giving him a death fitting for his type. But I refrained. Instead I aimed lower at his legs as well as called him out to which he turned.

Rainek looked back at me. Our eyes met, I glanced with a scowl holding a forced sense of justice while he grinned as a madman who thought he won.

Before I could incapacitate the coward, I felt death lurk from behind. I pulled my other gun out, without looking aimed behind then simultaneously turned back while squeezing the trigger. As the shots crashed in the narrow hall two thuds followed. Two uniformed officers, probably loyal to Rainek laid cold.

I turned my attention back to Rainek but now he's gone. I cursed under my breath, holstered my gun, and followed after him running.

Rainek and I were about a meter apart, he decided to dash and make a left towards the stairwell.

"I have a tail and I want you to cut him off."

I slowed my pace down and leaned against the wall. The heavy steps of clanks gave no clear number of the targets I had to beat down before I could reach the coward. Instead of risking my head by taking a quick peek, I pulled out an electric-stun grenade and I simply used it along with my gun as a pingpong ball and racket towards them. As the grenade flew towards them I waited for it to explode. It went off with a deafening thunder and lightning.

For them it was instant incapacitation, to me it was a signal to move forward.

I looked above the stairs to check for possible exits, so far there were none. At that point I decided to walk past the knocked out soldiers and continue following the path where the stairs lead. I didn't force myself to rush because I know full well that he has nowhere else to run once he reaches the rooftop.

Rainek left the door wide open. He stood over the edge of the rooftop. Although the royal family of Kyatto are the most courageous and strongest in the entire planet, I couldn't help but to liken the duke as the prey and I am his predator.

As he stood there I couldn't help but think to end him right there. A maelstrom brewed inside my chest. People like him makes me angry. Not the entitled royalty part, no, I'm talking about the orphan making part of him. Idiots like him who take something from innocent children just for their own personal gain.

But then again, he's Nico's last surviving relative so to speak.

"They dumbass. Under the orders of Nico, princess- rather, technically… Queen of Kyatto. You're under arrest." I told him as I aimed my gun directly at his head.

"I never knew my niece loves poetic justice so much. To think that she'll use mercenaries to kill me just as I did to her parents." Rainek replied without looking back.

"Did I not make the part about arresting you clear?"

"You did. But I will not be arrested by a mercenary, especially a simple commoner like you!"

His statement was offensive and arrogant but I digress.

"First, I'm not a mercenary. Second, I am not a commoner, more or less. And third, I can't seem to see the reason why you really need to kill your brother for the throne. You could tell him to step down and be with family. Or just plant some evidence suggesting treason, get them exiled. Zero deaths. So tell me- would be king. Why kill them?"

Rainek finally turned around, then he laughed at me menacingly.

"I see you're not a simple minded creatures like my followers. I could tell you the reason why, but I'm afraid you're out of time." He told me as he looked up.

I looked behind me and saw a jet charging forward. As it got closer, it slowed down. Then it began to reveal its machine gun.