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Chapter 10 Talented School Flowers

When he came out of Shen Mojun's office, Chen Qingyang's seems to be in a good mood. He whistled as he left the office building.

At this time, Liang held a cigarette while leaning against the stone pillar at the gate. He looked at the distance with a sly look, attracting many ignorant girls to cast their eyes.

When he saw Chen Qingyang coming out of Shen Mojun's office safe and sound, Liang quickly threw away the cigarette in his hand and looked at Chen Qingyang in disbelief.

"Bro, did you actually knew that crazy woman?" asked Liang.

"You guessed it." Chen Qingyang said with a smile.

Looking at Chen Qingyang, who he felt was a new person now, he immediately stepped back and said: "Wow, Yang! How? You have a very weird taste!"

"She is a bit mean, but it is fun to win against such a woman." Chen Qingyang said with a slight shrug, he now has a lot of interest in Shen Mojun.

Of course, it's normal for a man to have such interest in beauty.

"Yang, my admiration to you is just like the continuous waters of a river!" Liang said with respect.

"Alright, that's enough, let's take a look around the school." Chen Qingyang said immediately.

"You're not going to go to your dormitory first?" asked Liang.

"Don't worry, it's not that big of a deal to go after lunch." Chen Qingyang said.

"Fine, right now we're very close to the living area of the Foreign Languages Institute. I will take you to see this place in Fuhai University where it is called a man's paradise." Liang said with a smile.

"Of course you know me the most." Chen Qingyang patted the shoulders of Liang and revealed a very satisfied smile.

After walking through a small forest, and a few minutes later, the two went to the living area of the foreign language school girls' dormitory.

Since today is the first day of school, the sidewalks in the living area are crowded with people, most of them are freshmen who came to report, and they are full of energy.

"It seems that the hot girls this year ain't bad!" said Liang while smoking.

"Why are you always smoking?" Chen Qingyang said helplessly. From the time they entered Fuhai University, cigarettes never left his hand.

"You don't think that the way I smoke is very cool? You see the way those girls look at me, it's like they can't wait to come up and take off my clothes." Liang said with a narcissistic look.

"You are still such a slut." Chen Qingyang smiled.

The handsome and fascinating appearance of Liang does not require anything else to make him more stood out. In the words of Qiao Xiaoyao, Liang has the beauty that makes every woman in the world jealous.

"This is the charm of a man, you won't understand." After that, Liang continued to smoke.

After that the two walked around the living area, Chen Qingyang had to admit that the value of the girls here raised the value of the entire Fuhai University, pure and pretty, lively and energetic, glamorous and arrogant, there are all kinds of beautiful women here.

However, Chen Qingyang is still somewhat unsatisfied, because from the beginning 'till now he has not seen a woman who is as amazing as Shen Mojun.

Just as Chen Qingyang is feeling a little boring, a roaring car engine suddenly came from a distant school road, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Then a pure white Aston Martin sports car appeared in the eyes of everyone, accompanied by a large horsepower engine roar, like a fierce tiger roaring.

Especially when turning, the sports car suddenly drifted, and the tires rubbed against the ground to make a sharp sound, which attracted many people to applaud.

Of course, in Chen Qingyang's view, such skill is simply a lame one, he's not even as good as the beginning-level racing driver, he can only fool these random people who pass by.

"This idiot is going to threaten the ladies in the foreign language school again." Nangong Liang said with disdain.

"You know him?" asked Chen Qingyang.

"One of the two ancestors who have lots of money, the reputation is indeed big, but they are all bad reputation," Liang said with a shrug.

Soon, the cool sports car stopped at the gate of the girls' dormitory. A handsome young man who is well dressed walked out of the car. The people who had been crowded let out a way without telling.

"Hey! It's the founder of the East Sea Corp.'s son! No wonder that he dares to drive a fancy sports car in the school campus."

"I heard that he came to confession today, don't know which girl is lucky enough to get the love of Stuart. He is definitely a flying phoenix!

"Who else can it be, obviously Ye Nanying of the English Department."

"Ye Nansheng? The number five on the school's flower list?"

The people around them have a complex look, jealousy, and embarrassment, but most of all, expecting.

Ye Nansheng, that is one of the talented flowers in the school of Fuhai University. She still has another year until graduation and she has already received the olive branch thrown by no less than ten powerful foreign companies. Some companies have opened benefits for her, even old employees that have ten years of experience may not be able to get it.