Chapter 9

Getting into the cab I wondered who this Mr . Terry Dawson was except being a private detective . It was a sunny day , I observed as the sunlight hid my eyes from seeing the actions of the cook in my favourite restaurant .

I did not have much sleep last night . It is not so normal to have four of your friends dead at the same time . As soon as I woke up my phone beeped . It read ,

"Dawson's residence , 614B Garden woods street .

Be there within 0830 hrs .

Don't miss it .

Robert ."

It was already 0825 hrs and I'm just two minutes away from the destination . When the cab left me I was standing in front a small door creaked here and there which showed many symptoms of breaking in .

I knocked the door. A man came and let me in.

" I suppose this house has been burgled or searched upon quite a lot of times? " , I questioned him . He was expressionless .

" My name is William Toblin , by the way " , I introduced myself to make him speak . He remained the same . He kept quiet . No movements in any part of the body was detected . His eyes were closed .

" Don't worry , he's always like that " , a voice interrupted ."He is Terry Dawson , the awful detective " , the voice added .

Dawson glanced his watch it showed 0832 hrs . He glanced a your-late-by-two-minutes look on Robert which he understood precisely . " Personal work . I'm sorry ."

" But I think I saw your car around the corner near Baker's cafe " , I said .

" Yep , Mr. Robert refers eating as his personal work . He ate special club sandwich with a considerably higher amount of mint chutney along with ketchup . The waiter made it late and so he has to rush eating the sandwich . And the waiter was rushed too and while he brought the hot sandwich a tiny drop of mint chutney spilt on the left side shoulder and the after spilt on your chest signifies the dish was quite hot and sour . With all these signs nothing would taste good in Baker's cafe rather than a club sandwich . Am I right , Mr . Robert ? " , he spoke really fast that I had to fully concentrate on his words to make myself understand his verses .

" Right but useless " , Mr. Robert commented .

" But it was awesome " , I added.

" People usually call it disgusting , ugly , worthless and useless just like our Robert and consider me irritating , psycho , idiotic and bugging , I suppose and however you call it awesome . I'll add that to the list of remarks . Of course it was a good remark but now why the hell did you guys come here , to disturb me or any other professional matters for which you may be seeking answers from me . Are you ? " . He glanced at me and back at Robert again .

" It's the four deaths case regarding the adventure game . Mr. Toblin , here , is the only survivor among the five friends ....."

" Oh hello Mr. Toblin , nice to meet you " , Dawson interrupted .

The thought that I was there for the last five to ten minutes and shouted my name twice which he never noticed and now he was acting as if I came in just this moment , made me think that he was quite mad . I don't have any other appropriate word to describe him . MAD !!!

" Let's get into the topic " , I suggested .

" Sit down please . "

He signalled me how to sit in the chair and nonetheless I sat down . The thought that the three of us had gathered here to solve crimes and I don't know from where I got this sudden inclination towards solving crimes .