Chapter 11

Myself , Robert and Terry chose to visit the most responsible gaming company. He was so into this case and wanted to find what happened there. So we were travelling to the Manchester's biggest gaming company The Wracking Marvels. On the way Mr.Robert and Mr.Dawson were going through the files.

When we reached the company I was thrilled to know what would they like to say in this situation, because all these deaths happened due to this game. And we went to meet the manager of this event, Mr.Ben Stanley and he asked us to meet him in his office. When we went inside, he was going through some files related to the new gaming software. I soon came to know this was the file which was related to the new software, because it was written on the top. When he saw us, he got up and greeted us.

"Welcome Mr. Dawson, Robert and humble player Toblin."

We all nodded. They all took seats and I stood near the threshold.

"Mr.Toblin, it would be nice if we talk later personally."

I got tensed.

"No,Mr.Stanley. We would like Toblin to stay here with us during the investigation. He may be of help too."

"As you wish"

With that I took seat at the far end...near a window.

"So...Mr.Stanley, what is your opinion about the deaths during the game?" , asked Dawson.

"I would say that the game turned to be a misfortunate one. And we hold the entire responsibility for what happened there of course only if the death happened during the game and not after the game. "

Mr.Dawson nods and asks about the rules and regulations card.

"Wa-wah-What!?" Ben Stanley stammers.

"What happened?" Asks Dawson suspiciously.

The next reply gave me heart attack.

"We didn't issue any card like that"

Now it was time for us to what !

"What!?" We said in unison.

"Yes sir, we didn't give any cards relating to rules and regulations. The rules were personally told by the ranger-in-charge,and no cards."

"But we found that card from your players. "

"No sir. That's not possible because we didn't issue any such cards. And even if you have any doubt, you may check the reports which has all the details relating to the game."

He gave us the file and we checked them. There were no entries related to creating or distributing such cards. We were confused. And then I turned the page to see some interesting things that caught my eyes. A very interesting as well as terrorising one, if I should emphasis.

"What the hell is this...!!!?" I asked.

Mr. Stanley came to my side and peeked in to see what I was talking about. Then he explained that it was the game map.

I was totally shocked. Because the map was not the same which was issued to me and not even like the one which was taken from Chris's......

I saw Mr.Dawson and he saw Mr.Robert.....and we looked at each other with...confused looks.....and I was certain that this meet was not going to end in a way that I wanted it to end .