Chapter 14

Terry Dawson invited me and Robert for lunch with him in his palace , as he calls it . If someone asks why , he would reason it that palace is the place where the King resides . We did not know how to move on with the case and Dawson said us to be free until something related to the case happens because it had to be let in its own way .

Little did we know that something unlikely would happen in his palace when we were having lunch . Dawson received a text message from some anonymous person . The message was going to the extreme .

" Dear Dawson ,

Meet me at 5 .

Someone special is awaiting you .

You would want to see me for sure .

I'll be in the terrace .

You-Know-Where from You-Know-Who " .

" What about it Dawson ? Where are you doing to meet him ? Will he be the murderer ? " , I asked continuously .

" Of course he is " , he replied abruptly .

" Where are you going to meet him , then ? Let's alert the police department " , urged Robert .

" I think there would be no need for that . I've already seen him . When I went to William's house for taking the rules and regulations card , some man threw a pamphlet at me and was staring at me . I took it and it read :

" When someone asks you . Be here . " And then the man went . So most probably we will be meeting at your apartment terrace Mr . Toblin . I'm excited . It's already 2 . Let me get dressed up " , Dawson spoke in his usual tone .

" What's so exciting about it ? You are just going to meet a murderer . Don't you need police protection ? Won't he kill you ? " , I asked Dawson .

" No . Perhaps he just wants to help me with this case . That's the reason he would have called me . "

How could this be the reason ? Murderer helps detective find out that he is the murderer . What a nasty idea .

" You have been here for almost five times and still I don't see you appreciating my choice of cushions , William . Why , you don't like them ? " , Dawson asked me .

" Of course I like them . They make me very comfortable . But now that's no where related to our conversation . How are you so sure that he comes to say you some clue ? " , I asked again .

" I don't know . Let's see what happens . Let's go to your house , come on . Next time we will keep the lunch party in your house . It will save time . What say , Robert ? " , Dawson grinned .

A party ? In the middle of all this rubbish he calls it , a party . Dawson is not as rich as one may think . That's mainly because he doesn't work for money but he works for pleasure , mainly for himself . The three of us started to my apartment in Robert's car . Robert always appreciated the beauty and the making of his car . " Jaguar is surely a company known for its features and looks " , Dawson agreed .

It was just a ten minute drive to my apartment . I made them tea and it was 4 already . What is going to happen , no one knows . Of course it is out of question that neither me nor Robert knew what Dawson had in mind.