Aildrin disconnected the call and activated Defensive Blade. But no sword lights hummed to protect him.

He was on his knees, and heavy chains weighed him down to a damp floor. The dagger was a foot away from his face, and it was too late to dodge. It cut across his cheek. Aildrin howled in pain while blood gushed out before clotting on his face.

"It should have been a small cut, but you resisted like a pig," a female voice said.

Aildrin scowled. "Who are you?" He double-checked the figure's details, and it was indeed SleepNot who stood before him but with a feminine voice.

"If I were you, I'd stop moving around lest I speed up my death. You are now in the second phase of Zaldor's Curse. Blindness first, then followed by mana depletion. And guess what's next?" The thief gestured an explosion with his free hand.