Whereabouts unknown

I'm slowly waking up. Everything is dark and blurred, my head throbbing. I try to move, but my ankles and wrists are bound to what I assume is a cold metal chair. I struggle to break free, but it's no use, the straps are too tight. I'm so groggy I can barely lift my head, I squint my eyes trying to see beyond the darkness, but the strain is too much and my eyes slam shut.
I hear a muffled voice coming from above. I can't quite make out what it's saying. It sounds like someone is using some sort of voice changer to deepen their voice. I'm finally starting to come out of it. I can make out a few words now, "Subject number 901…..infection…evacuation…"
"Answer the question." The first full sentence I can understand.
"W-what? Who-" I could barely finish my own.
"What happened after you saw the body start moving," The voice is loud and demanding, filled with authority.
"The…the body," I struggle with the answer, unsure of what the voice was asking.
"Yes the body; from the accident. You were looking out the window. What happened after you saw the body start moving?"
"I was…th-the window…"
"Subject number 9016 appears to have blacked-out again. Suffering temporary memory loss…"
"The body, it was mangled. There was blood everywhere! I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I was terrified. I could see the bones under his skin. He pushed himself up and began staggering towards the house. One of his legs was bent to the side with the bone protruding, so he couldn't move very fast. I just stood there frozen, staring out the window. He must have spotted me. He was coming towards the window.
I heard a crash towards the back of the house. I ran to check it out and almost tripped over an end table. The window on the back door had been smashed and someone was coming through. There was glass and blood all over the floor. Not all of the glass had been broken and the remaining shards were ripping and tearing at the intruders' skin, but that didn't slow him down. He tumbled in through the shattered window and his face hit the floor falling onto the broken glass. His movements were slow and balance was uneven when he picked himself up off the floor. Pieces of broken glass were stuck in his face. Blood was dripping from the exposed edges of the glass. Then I heard another window break.
I saw a bright light outside and heard a crash of thunder louder than any I'd heard before. The floor started to shake and the ceiling cracked and creaked before it finally gave and began to crumble right above me. I ran for the bathroom. I don't know why, but I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I fumbled with the lock before jumping in the bathtub. I don't know why I thought I'd be safe there, but it was all I could think to do. The whole house was shaking even more than before and the ceiling finally collapsed on top of me.
Something must have hit my head. I woke up and it was dark and silent. Somehow a large piece of the ceiling had lodged itself between the shower walls just enough to provide cover from the falling debris. I managed push aside some of the pieces enough to make an opening just big enough for me to squeeze out. I fell onto what used to be my bathroom floor. Now it was all just a pile of rubble. There were still parts of the house that held up, a couple of door frames, small portions of walls. That's when they came.
Men in hazmat suits carrying guns and flame throwers trampled the ruins of my house. Everything I owned being crushed beneath their heavy boots. A flashlight shined in my face and he yelled to the others, "We've got a survivor over here!" I squinted and tried to shield my eyes from the brightness of the flashlight. Another man came running over. "Looks like she wasn't affected," the first man observed before pointing his gun at me."