Just another day in the cells

"Subject 901, answer the question," the voice over the speaker is agitated.
"Wh-What?" I can't seem to process a full thought.
The sound of someone pounding a fist on a wooden table echoes over the speaker and startles me, "Answer the damn question!"

There's a muffled static over the speaker and a second voice, one I've heard occasionally during this fucked up form of what they call an interrogation. The words are broken up, but I'm able to pick up a few, "Enough!…never…inform—.interro——….over!…her away! Proceed…experiment 212."
Again the guards burst through the door. They release the straps and I struggle against them, still a bit sedated, and they proceed to strike me with their weapons. First a burst of pain to the stomach echoes through my body, then a blow to the head sends me to the floor. I cough up a mixture of blood and saliva before they grab me by the arms and drag me back to my cell passed the screaming walking corpses.

My captors were pretty messed up to begin with, but now they've taken twisted to a whole new level. I used to see normal healthy humans succumbing to the infection as I was being dragged to my cage. Now it's different. I see the normal, healthy, humans pounding on the glass, screaming as loud as they can in hopes that someone will have mercy. Hoping that someone will have a heart; a soul. I see the horror in their eyes as their blood sprays across the glass while the infected tear into their flesh. The body goes limp, but still the limbs will twitch as they stare at me through lifeless eyes.

If you haven't guessed already, these savages that have me locked up have started feeding these monsters, and I don't mean that they feed them frosted flakes, or steak and potatoes. No, nothing like that. They feed them living, breathing, human beings. I should be disgusted, I should be sickened, but honestly I feel nothing. I tell myself "They should fight it instead of screaming and crying. How weak. How pathetic." Why I feel this way, I honestly couldn't tell you. I really don't remember anything beyond the first day. Whatever they're doing to me is really mucking up my memory. I don't know who these people are or what they want, they seem to know me though.
After they tossed me into my room I passed out on the floor. I'd like to tell you how long, but I've lost all sense of time being in here. It could be 1 day, it could be a hundred, I wouldn't know the difference.

When I woke I found a bowl of their version of food on the bed. Guess I must have slept through dinnertime. I pulled myself up and picked up the bowl dipping a spoon in its contents and twirling it around. It had the texture of oatmeal, but tasted like glue mixed with dirt and didn't smell much better. I was well aware that this sludge could be mixed with poison, or worse whatever caused the outbreak, but I didn't care. As long as I wouldn't be able to feel anymore, wouldn't be aware of this Hell.

There was a commotion outside my cell. The others were screeching and howling, pounding on the glass. They were focused on something down the hall. I didn't care. I sat eating my bowl of mush until they were right in front of me. Two guards dragging a frightened little girl. She was clutching a blood-stained white stuffed rabbit, one of its button eyes barely hanging on. The door to my cell opened and they shoved her in slammed it shut behind her. She bolted to a corner of the room, holding her little rabbit in a tight hug.

She was shivering and crying, alone in the corner. I couldn't figure out why they would throw her in here and I knew I should just ignore her, but watching her in that corner made my heart sink. She was scared and alone. I didn't want to get involved. I shouldn't. It was none of my business, but how do you ignore someone in a space this small? I set my bowl down and went to sit next to her. Stupid move on my part.

"So are you my new roommate," I inquired.
She seemed startled, but lifted her head just enough for me to see the puffiness beneath her eyes, still clutching her rabbit and sobbing.
"Is that your friend?" I gestured towards the rabbit.
She sniffed and shook her head yes wiping her nose on her bare hand. That's when I noticed a small puncture wound on her neck, blackened veins and bloodshot eyes. Signs that the infection was spreading, taking over.