Mr. Chao, Tomorrow Is Your Turn to Take Action

"I will do as you say." Ji Fuan had no choice but to do what they wanted or else, Xiao Tian would order his underlings to kidnap and torture his wife and daughter.

He loved his family so much, so he didn't want anything bad to happen to them. He would rather do as they please than see his daughter and wife being tortured by Xiao Tian's underlings.

"Good." Xiao Tian smiled happily after hearing Ji Fuan's remarks. "Don't worry, Mr. Ji. Like I said earlier, this is only temporary. You can cooperate with the Fibers company again later. You just need to wait when you can do that."

Like Xiao Tian, Chao Yang Sheng also smiled happily. "Mr. Fu. I want you to inform this to my family company tomorrow morning at 10:00 am."

"Oh right. If they ask you the reason, tell them that Chao Ming Hai's sons have harassed your family or relatives." Xiao Tian uttered, "Do you understand?"

"I understand." Ji Fuan answered.