Yu Shi and Crystal Went to Xiao Tian’s Company

Currently, Xiao Tian was trying to catch fish in the water. Because he was using a fishing net, it was not difficult for him to catch fish.

Even though the fish had good instincts, but his movements were fast. He was able to catch the fish before the fish could run away.

Xiao Tian decided to catch six big fish before he stopped. In his view, there was no point in catching a lot of fish because they would go home soon.

After that, they began roasting the fish. At this moment, Xiao Tian suddenly remembered Crystal. He remembered the time when they were living in the forest.

At that time, they also grilled fish at the waterfall. That beautiful memory was clearly visible in his mind.

"Young master Xiao, why don't you wear your jeans?" Lan Ruoxi inquired, "Don't tell me. You want to show off your huge little brother. Hehe."