
When the fireworks burst into a series of strings in the night sky, Xiao Tian kissed Long Jingxian's lips.

Long Jingxian welcomed the kiss happily. Sure, her daughter was next to her, and many people were also around her, but she still decided to welcome the kiss.

There were several reasons for this. Firstly, she was sure that many couples did the same as what she did with Xiao Tian.

Second, her daughter was looking at the fireworks. And last, the person who kissed her was Xiao Tian, her new lover.

Sure, she realized it was pretty dangerous to kiss in that place, but Long Jingxian did not regret her action because it was one of the most appropriate times to kiss.

Xiao Tian stopped the kiss when another firework lit up the night sky. Long Jingxian instantly hugged Xiao Tian's right arm.

Like Long Jingxian, happiness blossomed within Xiao Tian like the burst of firework.