
"What?!" Ye Hang was furious because Ye Xueyin's behavior showed like she had forgotten where she was raised and who her ancestors were. 

Sure, he made a big mistake in the past, but Ye Xueyin should not act like that and forgive him immediately. After all, he was the head of the Ye family.

"Did she say he would give you an answer later?" Ye Hang asked again.

"No." Ye Rou Bing shook her head. "She came with sister Qingyu, so I could not force her to give an answer immediately."

Ye Qingyu kept yelling at her earlier, causing her to be unable to force Ye Xueyin to answer her question.

"That Qingyu still hasn't changed!" Ye Hang knew Ye Qingyu's personality well.

She was a woman who was not afraid of anything. She even slapped his face when he kicked them out of the Ye family, saying he and the others were assholes.