How About Little Nichang?

"You are a bad young man, Xiao Tian." Leng Nichang knew why Yongcheng suddenly left.

Of course, she did not blame him because he was not at fault. 

Yes, everything was Yongcheng's fault!

She believed everything would be different if Yongcheng didn't continue to brag about himself. 

"Why are you saying something like that? I'm not a bad person because I'm a kind and upright young man." Of course, he also knew the reason why Yongcheng suddenly left, but he did not care about it.

"Hehe." She giggled again after hearing his words.

"Lady Leng, why are you gi-" he could not finish his question because she suddenly pressed her right index finger against his lips.

"Xiao Tian, even though we became a couple because mother Hanying forced us to, but I'm still your girlfriend. Are you going to keep calling me lady Leng?" they were lovers now, so she thought it was time for him to change the way he addressed her.