Heaven Absorbing Silver Claw

Aerion slowly walked down to the arena and faced Tai Dang.

"You're finished," Aerion calmly stated

Tai Dang was scared; he didn't expect to be matched up with Jun Long. He knew that Jun Long was way stronger than him thanks to their previous fight... still, Tai Dang hopes to put up a good fight.

Aerion draws Sky Piercer out of his spatial ring and waits for the announcer to start the match.

"Wow, do you see the size of his weapon?"

"A halberd... I haven't seen anyone use one before."

"He wields it like a dagger, what kind of monster is he!?"

All thanks to the Great Way of the Buddha.

"Jun Long against Tai Dang, may the match begin!"

Aerion didn't waste any time as he closed the distance and stabbed Tai Dang's left thigh with Sky Piercer. Aerion backed away before Tai Dang could retaliate. The stab wasn't exactly lethal, but it would make Tai Dang way slower in the fight. Aerion was going to take his time with Tai Dang.

"Damn you..."

Tai Dang charged Aerion with his spear. He was using his wind to make up for the loss of speed. This, in the end, didn't matter.

Star God's Broken Shadow.

Aerion appeared behind him, disarmed him and completely broke his right arm. He turned Tai Dang around and grabbed his face with his right hand.

"This is for Liu Lei...!"



Tai Dang is sent flying into the wall, his face unrecognisable.

"Grandfa... grandfather... help me..."


Aerion's wind surrounds Tai Dang and it begins to slash Tai Dang apart. When the wind went away, Tai Dang looked worse than Liu Lei did. Aerion decided there was no point in going further, Liu Lei was avenged.

"Jun Long wins the match!"

Aerion started to make his way back.

~In the sky~

"Finally, someone has taught my grandson a lesson."

Tai Wentian looked at Tai Ming, a slight bit confused. "Is this what you wanted, your grandson severely beaten?"

"Of course, he thought he could do as he wished in the Noble Rogue Sect due to my influence. Now, in the arena, he has been taught the consequences of harassing the wrong person. In the outside world, I won't always be there to protect him... he must learn to be humble... especially when meeting cultivators stronger than him such as Jun Long."

"I see."

Tai Wentian nodded in approval. Tai Ming was the wisest grand elder and one of Tai Wentian's closest friends in the Noble Rogue Sect. Tai Ming himself agrees with Tai Wentian's decision of growing Aerion into the future grandmaster as he too saw something special. Yes, Jun Long isn't a Tai but marrying him to Tai Xia would mean that his descendants would have Tai blood running in their veins...


"You... I'm not done with YOU."

"Huh?" Aerion turned around "You can still talk?"


The tornado starts to whirl and whirl, eventually entrapping Aerion.

Not good, not good at all.

Wind Aura.

Aerion creates his own wind to protect himself from the effects of the tornado. Unfortunately, his Wind Aura shattered within seconds. So this is the strength of the fifth profound skill of the Flying Wind God's Art...

"This Earth Destroying Tornado... is no joke."


Red scales grow on Aerion's right arm and silver scales grow on his left arm. His right eye turns crimson red and his left eye glows silver, like a star.

Time to test this silver left hand...

Heaven Absorbing Silver Claw!

Aerion stretches out of his left land and the Tornado is slowly sucked into his left palm. In just a few seconds, the mighty tornado is gone. Aerion closes the second gate, Dragonic Heart, and his scales disappear. Aerion returns to his usual appearance before anyone even notices he transformed in the first place.

Tai Dang stares at Aerion "How...?"

Then he falls unconscious and the doctors take him away from the arena. Aerion returns to his seat.

"Wake me up in the next round," Aerion tells Xia before taking a nap.


Aerion didn't want to admit it but using Draconic Heart and the Heaven Absorbing Silver Claw drained him completely. In his current state, a fully healed Tai Dang would be able to beat Aerion with one hand. The Great Way of the Buddha started to get to work and began to heal Aerion.


"Onto the next match... Tai Shu and... Mo Yi!"

Tai Shu smiled when he heard his opponent. "Easy pickings."

They both got onto the arena and looked at each other.

Then the match started. Tai Shu aimed to slash Mo Yi's left arm with his sword but Mo Yi blocked the strike with his spear.

"I'm not like the others, you will most definitely lose this match." Mo Yi stated with supreme confidence.

"Blocking one simple slash doesn't make you a winner."

Tai Shu moved his sword away from Mo Yi's spear and slashes again, this time to the right. Mo Yi moved his spear just in time to block the attack. Tai Shu still had his left hand.

Tai Shu smirked as he flicked his wrist and a hidden blade came out. He stabbed Mo Yi's left arm with it.

Mo Yi backed away.

"Damn you, that's cheating."

"Cheating? You have a hidden blade as well, use it."

It's easier said than done, using a long spear and a hidden blade at once... it's way easier with a one-handed sword.

"Come on then, come closer." Mo Yi taunted Tai Shu.

Mo Yi has a large range advantage over Tai Shu, if he can keep his distance then maybe he can win.

"If you won't strike, then I will!"

Mo Yi aimed to stab Tai Shu's chest but then he changed the spear's direction to Tai Shu's leg. Tai Shu focused on blocking the chest-stab, this caused him to be a bit too late when the spear changed direction.


Mo Yi's spear stabs Tai Shu's right leg.

~Ten minutes later~

They continue stabbing each other for a long time. By the end of the fight, they both were severely wounded.

Tai Shu returns his sword to its sheath "That's it, I'm done with this nonsense."

Mo Yi stood still, shocked. "What... do... you mean? This fight isn't over!"

"Now it's over. Good luck in the top 4... it's going to be tough."

Mo Yi was announced the winner... but Mo Yi, personally, didn't feel like he earned the victory. Tai Shu went over to the doctors to get himself healed.


"Tai Quin will fight... Cao Li!"

The audience were excited to witness this upcoming duel.

"Tai Wentian's eldest son was knocked out so early in the tournament... I wonder how his younger brother will fare."

"Who do you think is going to win it all?"

"I think it's going to be Jun Long, that boy has been walking all over every single opponent he has been matched up with!"

"Hah, look at him now..."

"He'll be fine by the next round."

"We'll see."

~10 minutes later~

Cao Li and Tai Quin were equals for most of the fight, but then Cao Li got the upper hand in the later stages of the fight.

"Looks like you've lost to me, Tai Quin."

"I don't think so..."

"You don't? Then I'll make you."

Mighty Wind Slash.

Tai Quin was a step too slow... he had to tank the blow. The Mighty Wind Slash sent Tai Quin flying into the wall.

Damn... am I really going to lose to him? How can I be the future Grandmaster if I can't even beat someone of my own cultivation level? I... am... a... loser, a... failure! I must stand up... and fight. I am Tai Quin, the son of Tai Wentian and a descendant of the great Tai Shun!!!

Tai Quin's grey eyes started to shine...


Moments later, Cao Li is trapped inside of the tornado and is being torn apart. It was so deadly that even the Grandmaster had to step in. With one swipe of his hand, the tornado is removed from existence. Cao Li was still alive, Tai Wentian wasn't too late.

The unofficial profound skill between Earth Destroying Tornado and Sky Piercing Hurricane was the Earth Decimating Tornado, a more powerful version of the Earth Destroying Tornado. Usually, only Earth profound masters and elders would use it as it requires a lot of profound energy to pull off. But a spirit profound cultivator, comprehending and even using it in battle... simply unheard of. Tai Wentian was, for once, proud of his son.

"Pushing... oneself to the absolute... limit every single day... is the single true... way to grow." Tai Quin smiled as he repeated his father's words.

"Using my words now? Let's see..."

Tai Wentian checked his son's cultivation... a breakthrough! Spirit Profound 7... the same as his elder brother. He's finally closed the two-year gap...

"Go, rest... you'll need it." Tai Wentian told his son

"Of course." Tai Quin nodded.

Shining grey eyes... interesting, Tai Wentian thought. Everyone knows that most Tai's have grey eyes but sometimes, especially during battle, they shine brighter than usual. No one knows why this happens... but it is well-known that once a Tai's eyes glow, he/she gains a huge boost in strength and profound energy... this results in a breakthrough after the battle.

If Tai Wentian didn't step in, Cao Li would've definitely died...