Stealing From The Heavenly Sword Villa

Aerion unlocked his new room in the Blade mansion and went straight to sleep. It has been a very long day and he was tired.



Name: Aerion Targaryen

Level: True Profound Nine

Traits: Attractive, Genius, Athletic, Patient, Diligent, Proud, Ambitious

Titles: Alpha, Vice-General of the Blades, Scorpion, Ranger


Base Max: Spirit Profound Nine

Dragon Soul Max: Earth Profound Three

Draconic Heart Max: Earth Profound Seven

Weapons: Sky Piercer, Hidden Blade, Advanced Hidden Blade

Evil God Seeds: Fire

Special Items: Sky Poison Pearl, Mirror of Samsara


Skills/Martial Arts

Melee: Counter Kill, Perfect Counter

Range: Crimson Demon Wave, Fire Breath, Mighty Wind Slash, One Thousand Cuts

Movement: Star God's Broken Shadow

Summoning: Earth Golem Creation

Body: Wind Aura, Demon King's Explosion

Special: Observe, Sharingan, Ghost Flame, Calamity Dragon Arts


Bloodlines: Fire Dragon God (Aerios), Phoenix, Primordial Azure Dragon, Uchiha

Body: Dragon God Marrow, Body of a True Dragon, Virgin Dragon Seed

Veins: Calamity Dragon Profound Veins

Soul: Dragon God Soul, Phoenix Soul



Oh, I finally broke through to True Profound 9!

After waking up, Aerion got dressed in his specially designed Scorpion-Ranger uniform. It had a similar design to the Noble Rogue uniform, the black colour and a golden wolf emblem representing the Blades, the golden outline of the Scorpions and the quiver of the Rangers. In Aerion's opinion, the looked uniform amazing and it all fitted perfectly. He's the first and only disciple to ever wear this kind of uniform.

After putting on the uniform, he was just missing four things. A sword (all Blades have to have swords), the scabbard for the sword, the amulet that all Blades must wear and a full face mask. All three things were already prepared for him sometime yesterday...

He grabbed the sword that was provided and sheathed it into its scabbard. The sword's metal was so shiny that it caused Aerion to briefly look away. The pommel was a silver eagle, the grip was mainly black and the guard looked like wings. The scabbard fitted the sword perfectly as it too had beautiful silver patterns imprinted on its wonderful black colour. A quick observe revealed that it was an Earth Profound sword! It's worthy of some sort of name, I'll name it... Silver Eagle!

(How original, Aerion)

The amulet had the Blade's emblem imprinted on it, it was pretty simple. Aerion put it on his neck as intended. The mask was also quite simple, it was black with a golden pattern. He put it in the Sky Poison Pearl along with his uniform's cloak and the bow provided with the quiver. There was no needed for these things, as he was indoors and it was really hot.

Aerion hung up his old Noble Rogue Sect disciple uniform on the wall of his new room.

"A lot of memories in one uniform..."

Today was his first official day as a Blade, he definitely looked the part. He opened the door of his room and locked it once he left. The living floors were mixed quite well; on Aerion's floor, there were about two hundred and fifty blades, eight rangers and nine scorpions. Blades (disciples) usually lived in a room with four-six other blades. On the other hand, the Rangers and Scorpions get their own and separate large rooms. It feels good to be part of the elite. There are about fifteen blades for every scorpion/ranger. Master blades, of course, get their own rooms due to their high status.

Liu Lei actually lived on the same floor, surprisingly.

There was a sealed letter in front of Aerion's door. He picked it up, unsealed it and began to read its contents.

"Come to the highest floor, I have an important task for you. ~ Your General, Qiang Shi"

Alright, my floor is quite close to the top... it should only take me a minute.



"Come in."

Aerion opened the door and entered.

"So what's this important task?"

"Straight to the point, eh? Here, it's a mission... take a look."


Type: Infiltration

Objective: Steal something valuable from the Heavenly Sword Villa

Description: Can be anything as long as it's valuable. You could just rob the whole Villa clean, but that would be at your own risk.

Difficulty: ???

Reward: ???


"Is this real?"

"Yes, it's right there. A simple infiltration mission on a sect, this should be easy for a disciple of your ability."

"Simple? It's the Heavenly Sword Villa..."

Something was definitely wrong here.

"Heavenly Sword Villa? I don't see anything about that, listen, just do the mission and you'll be well rewarded. This was requested by a very special client and we'd hate to refuse them."


"I AM YOUR GENERAL. DO THE DAMN MISSION... THAT'S AN ORDER. You've been given permission to leave the Mansion due to your new mission. Leave and don't come back until it's complete."

Aerion looked at his General, unsure if he was serious, but then he decided to go ahead with the mission. Is someone brainwashing him or something? Or maybe the General is just blind. Whatever it is, he's acting differently. Infiltrating the Heavenly Sword Villa... it won't be easy since they're the top sect in the Blue Wind Empire. In fact, it might be a death wish...


Aerion got stocked up on some darts for his advanced Hidden Blade, no one questioned him due to his rank. Disciples shouldn't even have an advanced Hidden Blade but Jun Long is a very special case. After stocking up, he went down to the main gate.

"So Jun Long is a Blade now..." A guard said

"That uniform looks like a scorpion's yet it has a quiver and the wolf emblem."

"Scorpion? What is that?"

"Ah, you're still new... you wouldn't know. The Blades have two sub-divisions, the Rangers and Scorpions. They're the true elite and the reason we've lost to the Blades in every division competition. The Scorpions wield their blades with peerless skill and use gadgets such as their mustard bombs to win many battles. Meanwhile, the Rangers are highly skilled archers who never miss." The older guard explained


Once the main gate was fully opened, Aerion strolled out of the Fortress and into Oldtown. He put on his mask and cape to avoid the crowds. Before leaving Oldtown, something caught his eye. The Silver Cloaks were in Oldtown.

"Dai Fang, how have things been?" He asked

"Who are you?"

Aerion looked at himself and noticed that he didn't exactly look like Jun Long. Oh well.

"I'm Jun Long."

Aerion briefly took off his mask and put it back on.

"I see... things have been going quite well. The Silver Cloaks have expanded to about 40 members but there's one problem; we don't have a base."

"Oh? I would like to help with that, after all, I am your leader."

"We need around a thousand purple profound coins... we want it to be something that will last many years."

"Alright, here. Make good use of it."

Aerion gave him two thousand purple profound coins and walked away. You could call this an investment... Aerion was sure he could get the money back later! Besides, Aerion is quite rich... this amount of money is nothing to him!

"Thank you, leader, I'll buy the best home possible for the Silver Cloaks!"

~Five Days Later, Heavenly Sword Villa~

The journey was really long as Aerion had to use a ton of maps he borrowed from the Noble Rogue Sect's Library. He looked up and saw the so-called Heavenly Sword Villa, the mightiest force in the Blue Wind Empire. Little did they know, an unknown and masked young man was about to rob their sect tonight!

Unlike the Infernal Demon Sect, Aerion was planning on spilling no blood. Yes, Heavenly Sword Villa members are quite arrogant but they didn't do anything wrong.

Aerion entered by scaling the walls, as he usually does. Then he activated his sharingan and looked around. It was dark so there was a lower chance of him being detected.

"Hey... you...!"

Aerion turned around, this guard... he didn't see him before.

He stared at him with his Sharingan and the guard stopped in fear for a second.

(Genjutsu: Sharingan)

Star God's Broken Shadow.

Aerion closed the distance and knocked the guard out. Then he thought... where do I put the body? He couldn't find an immediate place, so he put him in his Sky Poison Pearl. Aerion wondered, why did the guard stop moving? After thinking for a few seconds, he predicted that it was his Sharingan.

Such a powerful ability... there's so much about these eyes that I still don't know.

After a long twenty minutes of sneaking around like a shadow, Aerion found an interesting place. This place had tens of thousands of sword floating around. Aerion had never seen anything like it, they're worthy of the name Heavenly Sword Villa. Now all I need to do is grab a very good sword... ah, that one! Earth Profound should be valuable, right? Just in case, I'll grab ten of them.


(Genjutsu: Sharingan!)

The man froze in place and Aerion quickly escaped the Heavenly Sword Villa with his Star God's Broken Shadow movement technique. After he gained some distance from the Villa, he sat down on the grass and rested.

"That was too close for comfort..."

"That was reckless, you should've taken care of all the guards before taking those swords." Jasmine commentated

"I wanted to spend the least time possible in that place, besides, if I failed I have you, the mighty princess herself to protect me."


Aerion released his temporary prisoner, the guard he knocked out. He was still unconscious... good.

Aerion left the guard on the floor and started his journey back to the Noble Rogue Sect.