A Resurgence

"Fus Ro Dah!"



Aerion returned to the wall and got up. However, the man was already on him. Aerion blocked his sword strike with Sky Piercer. Aerion struck him with Blackfyre… the man tried to block with his dagger but Blackfyre easily overwhelmed it, sending it away. He stepped back but Aerion wasn't going to give him a moment of rest. He attacked with fury and was rewarded handsomely for his efforts. While their swords clashed, Sky Piercer inched closer and easily ran through the man's side. Sky Piercer's axe was just as deadly as the point, if not more so.

"A worthy fighter." He stated.

He raised his other arm, the one without a sword, and an orange aura appeared. When it vanished, the wound had completely healed. Aerion looked at the man in awe.

Such great healing skill should be impossible…

Then he summoned a bolt of lightning which flew straight towards Aerion. He didn't see it coming and so, he fell victim its electrifying nature. He did it again but the same trick doesn't work on the Dragon twice, Aerion dodged with swift dexterity.


Four afterimages appeared in the wake of Aerion's movement, which did leave the man in confusion. Aerion did not waste the opportunity. He impaled the man with the point of Sky Piercer and was about to decapitate him but he moved away with supernatural speed after shouting three words. He was about to heal again, Aerion knew he would.


Sky Piercer whistled past and penetrated the man's shoulder… it went by with such force that it took the man with it. He ended up being stuck to the wall.

Silver Calamity.

Flames erupted forth, both crimson and black.


There was not enough time… the flames erased him the moment they came in contact. Aerion wanted to take a break but the game organizer didn't seem to care, nor did the audience. The next challengers appeared almost as quickly as the previous one had died.

This shall be difficult… however, one does not grow much without a few hardships. The dungeon has what I require most, it seems.


Aerion cut down another fighter with his Sky Piercer. At some point, he stopped counting how many he had slain. It was most definitely over a hundred. He stood in the very centre, soaked in the blood of his enemies. All of them were only slightly weaker, if not equal in strength when compared to him. They were all different and used various skills, some were completely foreign to Aerion. But Aerion was quick to adapt and overcome such things. The fire that Rotias had set alight in him was slow to diminish… in fact, it began to thrive. Aerion has not felt this driven to progress his cultivation before. The humiliation of being forced to flee was a wound that simply refused close… and it never will, not until he returns it back in full.

"Oh my, you don't look in the best state." A man, flying over Aerion, stated. He was the one who announced his opponents and probably chose them… only the Seven knows where he obtained them from.

"Bring in the next one." Aerion countered.

"No. Continuing will do more harm than good."

"What harm?"

"Lets just say you might not wake again."

"Never... wake again?"

"You heard what I said, did you not? I would be severely punished if that were to happen. But, you may return in the following night. Farewell."

He waved his hand and Aerion found himself back in his luxurious chamber. Which was definitely not where he wanted to be. He sighed and began to notice that he felt light-headed. In the arena, he had fought through dozens of wounds… some of which could have easily killed him. But he walked through it and now, he felt the consequences. He couldn't put him himself to sleep no matter how hard he tried, so he got up and dressed into some casual clothing. Then he walked out.

The halls of Maegor's Holdfast were dead silent in the night, which was to be expected. Everyone was asleep. Except for the guards, they were always alert. Especially the Kingsguard. Aerion did not have any guards at his door as he found it unnecessary, slimming their duties down to just protecting his ladies and newborn son. There were a few patrolling around as well, confirming whether there were trespassers or not. Their search usually came to no avail since committing such an act would require both great bravery and skill.

Aerion fetched himself a jar of wine and filled his cup. He took a sip and immediately recognized where it was from. It had a sweet taste and there's one place that is well known for their sweet wine, the Arbor. After taking a few more cups, he went to his study.

"Is it not a bit too late, Your Grace?" A guard asked.

"It is, I admit, but I feel quite restless."

"Do you need me to wake the Maester? He should have a few recipes to…"

"There is no need, but I thank you for the suggestion."

"It is my duty to serve as best as I can, Your Grace."

Aerion nodded and continued. He grabbed a few documents which were specifically about Dragonstone, Aerion had asked for regular updates on Viserys. It was about time he read a few and caught up. After reading the last page, he was quite impressed. Viserys actually did well.

He is my uncle, after all. I shall reward him later, for all of his efforts.

Though, one thing caught him off-guard. Viserys had reportedly been inspired by the unique structure of Dragonstone and began to study it... then he proclaimed that he would be known as the greatest Architect the known world has ever witnessed. In the future, of course.

Aerion got a good laugh from that.



Aerion opened his eyes at last, after a long sleep. On his desk laid over a dozen books, all of which were meant to put him to sleep from boredom. It was a gradual process but, in the end, the strategy worked. He stood up and beheld his new-found strength. His expedition in the Arena had resulted in an explosive increase in cultivation strength. Before, it had taken him about four months to breakthrough from the 3rd Stage of the Tyrant Profound Realm to the 4th. Now... well, according to a rough estimation, it would only take around a month to break through to the 5th Stage. This is assuming he kept pace.

He sent a guard to find Robb and soon enough, he arrived.

"Your Grace."

"There's no need for that here, Robb. I want to thank you for serving as my Hand while I was away... though I do not know how. Is there anything you need in particular? I would certainly-"

"There is no need. Without you, My Lord, I would be nothing. One among the many, just another man. You entrusted me with the highest honour, over dozens of other great men... and now I must ask for more? Forgive me, but I cannot."

Robb is a true friend... many would have asked for land, gold or whatever else they wanted.


Aerion cleared his voice, realising that the speech had quite the effect on him. "I am glad you joined my ship that fateful day. Come, we have a few matters to settle."

Aerion stood up from his seat.

"If I think about it, there is one thing I would like to ask of you." Robb stated.

"And that is?"

"A wife."

"That can easily be arranged... but it is a rather random request."

"Hahaha, Your Grace, I am merely jesting. I do need one thing, though."

"Go on."

"Yesterday, you weren't yourself. All to the point and, to an extent, cold. I don't know what happened in the Sword Region but..."

"Worry not, I am over it."

Not exactly the truth, but I will try my best. That should be enough.

"Good to know. Where are we going then, My Lord?"

"I wish to see your Dragonsguard."

"My Dragonsguard?"

"You are the Lord Commander, no? Go on, lead the way."

"As you command."


Robb led Aerion to the temporary quarters of the Dragonsguard, it was a huge manse below the Red Keep. It was near Aegon's Hill and was quite a pleasant sight to behold. The Dragonsguard weren't living in poverty, that was for sure.

"I wonder how have and will adapt to Westeros."

"An interesting thing to consider, Your Grace."

Aerion gathered the Dragonsguard at the entrance of the villa. They were all present, all eight of them. The inside of the manse was even more decorated than the outside.

"Since you are alive and well, here, Master."

Fen Juecheng threw the storage ring filled with Heavenly Cultivation Pills to Aerion and he caught it. He laughed afterwards. "I have no need for these, they were meant for you all."

"Well... we don't need them anyway. We would smash through the Seven Nations Tournament relying on superior cultivation strength. The only way we can truly grow is by surpassing all the trials that await us."

They are learning well.

"Oh? So you want to go down the more difficult route?"

Sun Lin spoke for him. "Of course, it would be too easy the other way."

"As you wish." Aerion placed the pills into his Sky Poison Pearl.

But how can they grow when there is no profound energy in the air? Meditation is out of the question. Pills, sparring and learning new profound skills came to mind. They won't use pills. Sparring would also yield limited results...ah, the only thing that they can efficiently do is improve their overall battle power by improving their skills.

Divine Origin 6... I have to grow as well while also managing the Seven Kingdoms. King's Landing and the rest of the Crownlands have been conquered, both land and people. The rest... not so much. I have yet to even make an appearance in the Riverlands, the North and Dorne. A royal progress would be helpful... but that's for the future.

"Before we do anything else, was Oldtown properly evacuated?" Aerion looked at his disciples.

Tai Shu nodded. "There were a few who refused but, most left at once. I had to drag my father out of deep meditation and then he did the rest."

"Did they leave to a certain location or simply scatter?"

"The Noble Rogue Sect left for the Wasteland of Death, where a few underground outposts had been built decades prior."

"Wonderful news, you shall lead me to these outposts when the time comes."

After being reassured, Aerion settled the Dragonsguard properly. He officially established a new household guard, specifically for House Targaryen, and named it the Dragonsguard (of course). On that day he made it known that the Sacred Seven were to be regarded as equals to the Kingsguard. A rivalry was soon forged, something Aerion had intended.

They can learn a thing or two from the Dragonsguard, he thought.

Aerion stood on a balcony which gave him a good view of Kingslanding. A smile emerged on his face.

"No longer miserable?" Jasmine questioned.

"I suppose. I have realised that Rotias can celebrate and feast over his victory for a couple of months but it shall be I, Aerion Targaryen, who will have the last laugh."

"You are yourself again... this princess is impressed by your quick recovery."

"I will need more than a charming smile to defeat Rotias, I am sure."

"You never know..."

He decided to ignore that comment.

And with that, Aerion returned to the Dungeon the following night.