A Daring Bet


I wonder, for how many years has this Demon been sealed? Nevertheless, he isn't as free as he believes. I would be a fool to let him run away.

After a few long seconds of celebrating his release, the Demon looked at Aerion. "This King is grateful for your assistance, Aerion Targaryen, but I do not plan to stay here long. The Four Great Sacred Grounds…"

"They no longer exist."

"Huh? You must be joking... "

"No, the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, Sun Moon Divine Hall, and Supreme Ocean Palace were all burned to the ground by the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary's Saint Emperor. Then the Saint Emperor fell upon an unfortunate calamity. After that, the Divine Phoenix Empire handled what remained of the Absolute Monarch Sanctuary."

"Is that so?" The Demon laughed as if all of his worries had gone away. "Then there is no one to stand in my way!"

A few of the disciples took a few steps back, afraid of a scenario where the Demon goes on a rampage and kills them all.

"This King shall be kind, just this once, and leave all of you Sword Villa trash alive."

The Demon seemed to be in a good mood as he began to take his leave.

Aerion cleared his throat. "Where do you think you're going?"

The Demon was sent back down to the ground by Aerion's sheer profound energy. He looked at Aerion once more, the boy didn't look ordinary. Aerion mocked the demon. "Only in the Emperor Profound Realm? I expected a little bit more… perhaps you have gone rusty because of the formation?"


"Dragonsguard, restrain the fool."

"Ok, leave this to me!" Sun Lin charged in. The other Dragonsguard backed away and left it to Sun Lin… which wasn't a wise choice. He was sent flying back after a few exchanges. Aerion observed and noticed that the Demon's power was increasing ever so quickly. Sun Lin was in the middle of the Emperor Profound Realm so sending him flying was no easy task.

"Fine, Shu, Juecheng, you do the honours."

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty!"


The wind of the Wind God's Art and the fire of the Heavenly Fire Demon both struck the Demon from opposing sides. The Dragonsguard were kind enough to assist the weaker Heavenly Sword Villa cultivators with their protection. From the hands of the Demon, purple lightning exploded forth and obliterated both the wind and fire in mere moments. Then the Demon aimed to land a fatal blow to Fen Juecheng using most of his strength.


Most of the Demon's body was sealed in ice before he could even reach Fen Juecheng. Aerion walked slowly towards the Demon, clearly unconcerned by the Demon's show of strength. He was calmer than the ice he had just conjured. The Demon was enraged by his current situation but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Listen, Demon 'King', I freed you for a reason. I am told that you were a formidable existence before the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region sealed you away. This Emperor simply wishes to make use of your talents! I cannot allow it to rot away in a place like this… that would be very wasteful of me. Not only that, but, you just happen to hail from the Illusory Demon Realm, a place I would very much like to visit. Would it not be better if you were to join me instead of flying around the Profound Sky Continent like some lost dog?"


"Don't shout at your Emperor."


Aerion gave him a good slap to the face. It was louder than a clap of thunder and left the Demon's cheek red.


Bang… again.


Bang… again.



This time the Demon remained somewhat silent, managing to control his fury.

"How insolent…" The Heavenly Demon showed his distaste towards the Demon's behaviour. His sword laid at his side, ready to be drawn at any moment.

"How unfortunate…" Suddenly, Aerion thought of something."What if I were to become the Demon Emperor myself? Would your answer remain the same?"

"You? The Demon Emperor? Don't humour me, boy. The Illusory Demon Realm and Twelve Guardian Families would never allow a brat like you to sit on the throne as their Emperor… not in a million years!"

(Hold my wine.)

"Want to bet?"

"Go ahead, it won't change the truth."

Aerion smiled. "Very well. If I can conquer the entire Illusory Demon Realm and become its Emperor within a year, then you will have to swear fealty to me. If I do not accomplish this, then I shall let you depart wherever you wish with my dearest sword, Blackfyre!"

Aerion drew the bastard sword from its sheath. It shimmered under the light of the sun and began to emit its tyrannical aura upon the world. The audience could barely breathe under its brilliance. It was the sword of many Targaryen Kings and the first of two Valyrian Steel swords that were in the possession of House Targaryen, the other being Dark Sister (unfortunately both were lost). It was an ancestral treasure of the mighty House Targaryen… and Aerion intended to keep it as his blade until the very end.

There is no way in Seven Hells anyone in the Illusory Demon Realm can pose a real threat to me… why not let the Demon dream a little?

The idea of him failing to do such a simple thing seemed like a foreign concept. The Demon was much the same, he didn't see Aerion succeeding. He was too young to possess such power… it was simply impossible. The only feats he had displayed were sealing the Demon in ice and breaking the formation. Sealing someone at the peak of the Emperor Profound Realm isn't so hard for a Tyrant and the sword was the reason why the formation was shattered. Still, his confidence did shake the Demon a little. If he truly is that strong… at his young age, then he is truly worthy of being the Demon Emperor.

"That is… an impressive sword. I will accept your bet!"

"It's a done deal, then. You won't regret it! Hahahahaha…"

His profound strength has just reached Overlord Profound 1… he must be an expert in the late Sovereign Profound Realm, I'm sure of it. How else could he have been important enough to be sealed in a formation? But it's going to take some time for him to recover his old strength.

Aerion shrugged and sealed off the rest of the Demon, in slightly more durable ice.

"Heavenly Demon, carry him."

"As you wish."

It took the Heavenly Sword Villa disciples, masters and even elders time to let the events of the evening sink in. Aerion simply swooped in, broke the formation and sealed the Demon once again. That wasn't all… he promised to become the Emperor of the Illusory Demon Realm! Although they don't quite know what the Demon Realm is, they know that it isn't something to be taken lightly.

"Right, now that the Demon is taken care of, I have no more business here. Actually… Maybe I do, Ling Yun, come here."

He bent his knee and bowed. "What do you wish of me, Your Imperial Majesty?"

"I want you to receive this sword!"

Aerion took out an Emperor Profound sword, it was very light but deadly at the same time. The sword did not emit anything but pure sword intent. It wasn't very expensive for Aerion but to the Heavenly Sword Villa, it was a cosmic-sized gift. Ling Yun looked up and saw the sword for the first time.

"This… gift… I cannot take such a thing from his Imperial Majesty."

Yes, you can, it's trash to me anyway.

"Very well... I order you to take the sword!"

He had no choice but to do so. "I am forever grateful for this gift, Your Imperial Majesty."

"Wield it well."

Aerion turned around and started to make his way out of the Heavenly Sword Villa. The Dragonsguard did the same, following their Emperor.


Aerion returned to the Noble Rogue Sect, just in time to celebrate his 19th nameday. There were only a short two months remaining until the Seven Nation Ranking Tournament, yet the mood wasn't quite as serious as one would expect. The celebration was held at the Noble Rogue Sect's own dining hall. Only the most prestigious of people could attend inside of the hall, while the others were left outside.

Aerion sat at the head of the table, along with Tai Xia, Izanami, Tai Quin and the Grandmaster himself who sat in the very centre. Aerion stood up from his seat to give a little speech.

"19… time flies by, doesn't it? Anyway, I would like to personally thank the entire Noble Rogue Sect and father-in-law for guiding me along my path. When I first came to this world, I felt lost… lonely, to a degree. But this sect helped fill that hole. Slowly but surely, this huge Fortress became my home… and this Noble Rogue Sect became my family. I am truly grateful for everything." Aerion smiled and raised his voice to lighten up the mood. It was getting a bit sad… which is no good.



And so, it began.

Aerion enjoyed himself to the fullest as he feasted on the many delicacies made available to him, drank to his heart's content and occasionally teased his two ladies. It all ended with a spectacle of fire. The sky was filled with exploding, beautiful fires. Aerion contributed by creating a huge dragon made of ghost flames and making it soar through the skies. It shone brighter than the moon itself.

Unfortunately, Robb isn't here to see this… sigh, there is always next year.

A drunk Aerion managed to fly all the way to the Dragon's Palace and drop into his bed. It wasn't very difficult since Aerion is… well, a Dragon. Tai Xia was already waiting for him, she was faster, it would seem. Aerion smiled.

Now, that was a good day… time to finish it with a good night!

There Tai Xia laid, she seemed to be disappointed when she looked at the state of Aerion. There was no way he could… y'know, do it. It didn't look like he had the energy. But, one should never underestimate the constitution of a Dragon!


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I am not so pitifully drunk to forget my duties!"

Aerion's previously dim eyes flashed a glowing lilac eye as he gained a second wind. He could already imagine Jasmine rolling her eyes and calling him a pervert, among other things. But such a title isn't very fitting for a chaste Emperor like Aerion.

In the end, he did, indeed, give her a good tumbling.