A King's Command

Upon saying this, Aerion got quite an amount of attention. Every head in the near vicinity turned to him. This huge event was staged to decide the position of Direct Disciple and everyone knew that there were only two true competitors. Yet, this Ice Phoenix Palace disciple uttered the words 'What if I were to win?'. Not only did he speak those words, but he also said them with boundless, unwavering, confidence!

"Eh? Junior Brother, you must be joking, right?"

"I'm not joking," Aerion said, very seriously. "This ice spirit test relies on one's affinity with the element of ice, correct? So, even if my cultivation strength is far inferior to Senior Brother's, I can still win."

"I see... it is true, you have a chance. If you were to win... then I would be glad as well, Junior Brother."

You're a bad liar, Mu Hanyi... but I understand.

Aerion saw through the facade since he had spent quite some time in King's Landing. He was experienced with liars, extremely so, since there were a couple in every corner. Very few things could escape his sight at this point. Mu Hanyi seemed like one of those who were kind flowers on the outside while being the venomous snakes on the inside. Of course, Aerion hoped that this wasn't the case but to believe that he is truly a saint is simply too naive.

"That is good to hear... your words have truly put my heart at ease, Senior Brother Hanyi." Aerion sincerely stated.


Aerion's kind words were well veiled, but they had a clear meaning; he was announcing his victory! In a 'humble' manner, of course. His words sounded humble but the true meaning was proud and overbearing... the complete opposite! Even Mu Hanyi didn't know how to reply to Aerion's comment.

There seemed to be some form of tension forming between the two disciples and that tension was immediately dispelled when the barrier around the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake flashed blue.

"The sect master has arrived!"

The barrier started to open and everyone seemed to be quite nervous, even the Great Elders. Aerion stood out even more, with his extremely casual attitude. But, on the inside, he took great heed in Mu Bingyun's instructions and didn't dare to act recklessly. When the barrier fully opened, thousands of people streamed closer to the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake.

This place is worthy of the name 'sacred ground'... the pure, cold, energy is impressive, indeed! And this is only the very end, I wonder, how is it at the very centre of the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake?

Aerion attempted to stroke his beard but then he came to the realization that he had no such thing. A dragon roar erupted from the skies which made everyone look up in fear. When Aerion heard it, he did the exact opposite. In fact, he seemed to be even calmer than before!

"T-t-the Saint Dragon!" Mu Xiaolan exclaimed

Saint Dragon? What an interesting name... could the Saint Dragon be the Great Realm King's personal mount? If so, my respect for her has greatly increased. Taming a proud creature like the dragon is no easy task, especially one as mighty as that 'Saint Dragon'.

With the divine hall elders in the lead, everyone deeply saluted at this moment and it was even the deepest of salutes, a kneeling kowtow. Aerion hesitated, of course, for he would never willingly kneel to anyone. It was his pride, the pride of a King... but an overwhelming power forced him down. It was none other than Mu Bingyun.

"We welcome the sect master!!"

It was clear that everyone present revered the Realm King greatly and they had much reason to do so. She went through four rounds of tribulation lightning and reached the mighty Divine Master Realm, which was never before accomplished by anyone else in the history of the Snow Song Realm.

"You may rise."

Aerion rose and breathed a sigh of relief, it wasn't for Mu Bingyun he might have been a dead man already. Then Great Elder Mu Huanzhi stated how many disciples, elders and palace masters were present and how everyone awaited her command.

"Very good." She continued shortly after. "Our Snow Song Realm's divine vein is in our Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. It is our holy land in which only one person is allowed to enter once every three years and this number has never been exceeded. However, today is no ordinary day... this King has decided to choose a direct disciple after all this time. The lake water in the formation will be depleted after six hours. Once it has all fallen, whoever attracts the most heavenly lake ice spirits will become this king's next direct disciple! You may begin now."

Naturally, everyone could benefit from the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake but there was a far bigger prize on the table. Mu Hanyi's and Mu Feixue's masters instructed them to immediately start attracting ice spirits... they didn't need to be told twice. With speed as fast as lightning, they got started. Aerion looked at them from the edge of the lake and wondered if he should spectate for a little.

"You acted so tough before, hmph 'What if I were to win?'... I'd like to see you try."

"You think it's impossible, huh." Aerion chuckled. "Palace Master, may I participate?"

"Of course, there are no restrictions, every disciple is welcome to try."

"Thank you."

Aerion walked down to the centre of the lake but didn't start collecting ice spirits quite yet. He wanted to focus on the cold energy for now. He closed his eyes and entered the Dungeon in the meantime. This meant that he was cultivating in two different places at the same time.

Four hours pass...

The other disciples had already realised that competing with Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue was a waste of time hours ago. Even the third person behind them did so as the gap was simply too large. This was their battle, no one else was even in the picture! In terms of ice spirits, they were evenly matched... but in terms of becoming the direct disciple, Mu Hanyi would clearly win. Everyone preferred him and he was male. Cultivating ice arts for a male is far more difficult than for a female... the fact that they were equally matched said everything one needed to know. If Mu Feixue can't get an edge over him, then she is destined to lose.

Aerion's Dungeon exploring was cut short when an ice aura hit him. He was forced out of his deep slumber... furiously, he opened his eyes. Forcefully awakening a dragon isn't a great idea. Aerion stood up and realized that he was now at the end of the lake.

"All Ice Phoenix Palace disciples have been forced out, unfortunately." Mu Bingyun stated.

"Is that so?"

Hmph, they don't want me to win at the last second.

Aerion's fury did not subside at all... it had to go somewhere. A fiery aura emerged, surrounding his entire body. The closest ice spirits shrieked in fear and got away from him as quickly as they could. Aerion then calmed down and turned his fire into sharp, chilling, ice. That was when he spoke with a thunderous, yet charming, voice which boomed across the entire Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. It sounded even more powerful than the Great Realm King's!

"Your King commands you, ice spirits, come, join me and bask in eternal glory!"

A stream of countless ice spirits streamed towards him. Once they reached him, they started to dance around him. Even the ice spirits who had joined Mu Feixue and Mu Hanyi had abandoned quicker than a speeding bullet. They found themselves eating out of his hand! Every single ice spirit had reached him in a few seconds which meant that there weren't any remaining for the rest.

Even if, by some bizarre reason, someone were to object this decisive victory, there would be no other winner. Since all Ice Phoenix Palace disciples were forced out of the lake, Aerion had no intentions of returning and simply rested at its edge. Of course, he couldn't rest easy anymore since every single person had their eyes on him. Some were of reverence and others of envy... once the shock went away, a certain Great Elder couldn't accept this result.

"He... he must have cheated!" Mu Yunzhi, Mu Hanyi's master, declared.

Aerion couldn't help but chuckle. How the hell could I cheat?

This situation was really awkward but Aerion remained steadfast. He wondered what the Realm King thought of his actions... after all, her opinion was the only one that mattered. The Realm King's word was law.

"You think it's funny!?"

Damn, can someone get this elder off me?

"Not at all... but I would like to know, how could this King have cheated? Do you think the ice spirits were paid actors... or what? Hmph, Mu Hanyi still has two hours to beat me so he should get to it as soon as he can... but I don't think he will. So, instead, why don't he and I have a little duel to decide the true winner! If I lose, he can have all of my ice spirits and become the direct disciple of the Realm King."

"However, if I win, then I get to keep these ice spirits. Naturally, I'll fend off anyone else who wants my ice spirits... this includes Senior Sister Feixue. I believe this is quite fair, so what about it?"

Fair my ass... I have everything to lose and nothing to gain! But, this will certainly lead to me becoming the undeniable victor, beating them in both ice affinity and combat ability.

Upon taking a closer look at his aura, the two Great Elders couldn't help but smile. Divine Soul Realm level One... what could he possibly do against Mu Hanyi and Feixue who were in the middle stages of the Divine Tribulation Realm!?

"Good, this is very good! You are wise for a disciple, Hanyi, go and duel him!"

Mu Huanzhi was a bit more hesitant. "Sect Master... is this acceptable?"

"It is acceptable." Her heavenly voice resounded across the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. Although, she made a frown which no one else could see. His confidence in his strength seemed so real yet she couldn't see him winning... the gap between him and Mu Hanyi was simply too wide.

Is he no more than an arrogant fool?

Mu Xuanyin wondered.

Aerion descended to the very centre of the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. He calmly ordered the ice spirits to scatter and they did so obediently. Then he took out Sky Piercer and rested it on his right shoulder. With his left hand, he also drew Blackfyre.

In terms of stature, Aerion towered over Mu Hanyi. Even his aura was far more tyrannical, almost suppressing Mu Hanyi's cold aura. Dragon Soul, Draconic Heart... Purgatory... Silver Calamity. With all four gates opened, Aerion's battle power was equal to that of Divine Tribulation 8 if he went all out. Without most of his legacies, however, he was closer to the middle stages... which was where Mu Hanyi currently stood.

"It's been a while since someone gave this King a good battle... I hope you don't disappoint, Senior Brother Hanyi."

"Junior Brother seems to be very confident in his abilities, perhaps I should provide you with some pointers before winning."

"Go right ahead."

Aerion stood calmly.

"May the duel... begin!"