
"What... what just happened?" Yan Wancang asked, although to no one in particular. The Nine Suns Heaven's Fury directly hit Aerion but... he took no damage! Previously, less severe attacks did damage him so this made even less sense. However, one thing was clear and that was the talent of the new direct disciple of the Snow Song Realm King. Huo Poyun had lost to someone in the Divine Soul Realm... this was very hard to believe, in fact, it could be deemed impossible. No one, in the entire history of the Realm of Gods, had ever jumped one whole Divine Profound Realm in terms of strength... let alone one and a half!

"You have done well by putting Huo Rulie in his place."

"It was my duty to protect Master's honour." Aerion turned to Huo Rulie. "Even though he has been very insolent, I believe that Master should still consider the matter of the ancient horned dragon. The horned dragon's body can bring boundless benefits to the Snow Song Realm so it is not something that should be overlooked so easily."

It was pretty much what the sect masters had said previously yet they meant far more to the Snow Song Realm King when they were spoken by Aerion, her direct disciple.

"Hmph." Mu Xuanyin nodded. "This king has decided to slay the ancient horned dragon! I believe you three sect masters know who to thank for this decision. There is just one more thing, however! One single request... otherwise you can forget it altogether."

"What could this one thing be?" Yan Wancang asked. "As long as it is reasonable, then this Yan will comply without any hesitation!"

"This king desires not only half of the horned dragon's body, but also the entirety of the dragon's heart!"

"We... forgive us but we cannot accept this. The dragon's heart is..."

"Very well, this king understands... Huanzhi see our guests out!"

"N-no... wait! This Yan wasn't thinking clearly... of course, if the Snow Song Realm King requires the dragon's heart then we can present it once the ancient horned dragon is successfully slain."

"There will be no need, this king will personally obtain it once the dragon is dead."

Yan Wancang nodded with some hesitation, though he was unable to speak for a few moments. "Then we thank the Snow Song Realm King for the assistance and will no longer disturb you... when the dragon moults, then we will personally inform the Snow Song Realm King." He turned to Aerion, looking at him in a completely different light than before "You have my respect, Junior... it would seem that the Snow Song Realm King finally found a suitable and worthy successor after so many years. It wouldn't be wrong to say that the Snow Song Realm King is extremely lucky to have someone like you... heh, it is goodbye, for now."

Aerion nodded. "Farewell, Sect Master Yan."

Yan Juehai bowed his head slightly as well, showing respect, before leaving with Yan Wancang and their disciples. "It would seem that I misjudged you." Huo Rulie stated.

"I may be able to fully cure your son... that is if you allow me to when the time comes." Aerion sent a sound transmission to Huo Rulie. He gave no reaction, instead, he left as if nothing happened. Huo Poyun followed, he seemed to have gotten better since the battle but Aerion could tell that the thought of his defeat would remain for a very long time. In the end, it couldn't be helped... Aerion did the best he could, now it was all up to Huo Poyun.

"Huanzhi, there is a matter this king would like to discuss with you."

"What instructions does Sect Master have for me?"

"Aerion Targaryen is, indeed, worthy of being this king's disciple with his unparalleled battle power and supreme understanding of ice laws. However, there is just one issue... his profound cultivation is just too low! In that regard, there are countless disciples who are far superior. It is, therefore, paramount that he can increase it as soon as possible while also making his Ice Phoenix Bloodline purer. With these two conditions set, it is clear to this king that he requires a dual cultivation companion."

Dual cultivation companion!?

Aerion was taken aback by his Master's words. Huanzhi... his granddaughter was none other than Mu Feixue! He knew that she was beautiful but it wasn't the level of beauty that could convince him to give chase. Aerion has, after all, five wives who are all beautiful. More importantly, he considered himself a chaste man who wouldn't touch any woman unless she were (or to be) one of his wives.

"Sect Master, could it be that..." Huanzhi already caught on.

"In terms of bloodline, profound strength and constitution, there is no one more suitable than Feixue." After a brief pause, the Snow Song Realm King continued. "What do you think about this, Huanzhi?"

Not even hesitating for a moment, Huanzhi kowtowed in deep joy and loudly announced his opinion. "Huanzhi thanks Sect Master in the place of his granddaughter, Feixue!"

One can easily understand why Huanzhi was filled with joy. Aerion's talent meant that he would become the Snow Song Realm King one day if nothing were to happen to him in the future. The first male Snow Song Realm King! In fact, it was clear that he could even surpass Mu Xuanyin in strength... this kind of opportunity could lead to Mu Feixue becoming his wife which would bring countless benefits! There was no logical, stong, reason to reject such an offer.

Huanzhi swiftly turned to Feixue. "Feixue, quickly thank the Sect Master!"

Mu Feixue came forward and bowed before Mu Feixue. "Do you have any objections, Feixue?"

"None at all." Despite her usual ice-cold voice, there seemed to be some warmth in these words.

Mu Hanyi sighed in his despair, he couldn't do anything in this situation. He felt inferior to him in every way... except for cultivation strength. Even so, he couldn't even make Aerion bleed in a duel. This was something he had to accept, unfortunately. However, he gained hope at last.

"Ahem!" Aerion's voice resounded far and wide.

"I don't remember approving of this, Master. With all due respect, this King should at the very least be considered. I have nothing against Junior Sister Feixue... she is a beautiful and truly talented maiden, but this King is a chaste man who has five wives. Therefore, I absolutely cannot go along with this!"

"Who asked for your opinion? You will do as Master says... or suffer the consequences!"

Aerion didn't back down, despite the icy chill filling his body from head to toe. Just from that, he could see how frightening Mu Xuanyin truly was... going against her was foolish but the matter of his chastity was far more important than suffering 'the consequences'.

"Aerion, my dear little dragon, you do remember your dragon dream, don't you? Shouldn't you... like, try to gain power using any means necessary? Shagging an ice lady shouldn't be too hard, she'll probably like it too... or could it be that you think that she is beneath you? Fair, fair... your father-in-law only allowed seven wives and so, you can only have two more at most. One, if we include the Phoenix lady. But she can still be a concubine..."

Aerion completely ignored Rotias.

"I am more than willing to suffer the consequences, then!"

Mu Xuanyin sighed. "All of you leave."

Everyone swiftly left, afraid of incurring the Sect Master's wrath. They knew that Aerion was going to 'die' for going against the Snow Song Realm King.

Aerion knew he was in a deep ocean of trouble. More accurately, he was frozen in the deepest part of the ocean. There was simply no way of getting out... however, he was ready to accept the consequences. What was the worst she could do?

"I don't believe there is a single male disciple in the Divine Ice Phoenix Sect who would reject the prospect of dual cultivating with Feixue... hmph, if you are so willful then a marriage can easily be arranged. Huanzhi would have no rejections..."

"No, but she will. Master, do you think a girl like Mu Feixue would dare reject you, the Great Realm King in front of everyone? There is no way she truly has no regrets..."

"And I wonder... why can someone like you reject this king's decision?"

"Because I'm not afraid of doing so."

"This king is trying to help you become stronger yet you resist. Do you wish to be weak forever?"

Aerion shook his head. "Of course not, my ambition is higher than the heavens but I am more than capable of reaching those heights on my own."

"Hmph, it is settled then. You don't need to say anymore. For now, there is a more important matter. Close your eyes and calm your soul... there cannot be any distractions."


Although, from the tone of her voice, he could tell that the matter of Mu Feixue wasn't resolved quite yet. Still, he rid his mind of all thoughts and calmed his soul.

Then Aerion felt Mu Xuanyin touch the centre of his brows, this was followed by pure and frosty energy entering his body.

It was the Ice Phoenix Blood... its origin blood, to be precise. One drop of the purest Ice Phoenix Blood. This wasn't much considering the number of drops of origin blood that flow in his body... but it was a new element, at the very least. Three minutes later, the drop of origin blood was fully refined. He didn't feel any spikes in cultivation strength but this was to be expected. Aerion opened his eyes.

This Mu Xuanyin is far too frightening... I would much rather have any of the three sect masters of the Flame God Realm. I have no doubts that my life will be a living hell after my act of willfulness. It can't be helped, I brought it down on myself.

"Three minutes... follow me." Her voice remained cold, not even acknowledging his feat.