Ice Phoenix

A new God, born from desperation and strengthened by my blood. It shall grant the power to protect myself and those who are worthy of my divine protection. Thus, no longer will I stand powerless against those who surpass me in strength... from henceforth, I shall resist and oppose them! It shall be so for I am the Great Deity himself, Izanagi-No-Okami!

From the very centre stood the proud Izanagi, surrounded by three others. They were Susanoo, the Emperor and the recently born Kamui. They were no more than spheres of light yet Aerion knew exactly which one was which. This image swiftly faded from his imagination as he opened his eyes.

Finally... this period felt like a thousand years. Looks like my Master left me in the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake for most of this time. My cultivation strength...

Divine Tribulation Nine!?

Aerion made extra sure that this was true. An entire Great Divine Realm... from the late Ninth Stage of the Divine Soul Realm to the Ninth Stage of the Divine Tribulation Realm, it was a mind-boggling and monstrous increase in strength! It took him a few moments to recollect his memories.

I definitely took Master's vital yin, there's no doubting that! That is the only explanation for my sudden rise in strength. The ancient horned dragon's blood... honestly, I have no regrets! Without this boost, I would be a far cry away from saving Jasmine... but now, I'm one giant leap closer. My Master probably gained a boost in strength as well, however... my relationship with her will be 'tricky' from now on.

"In the end, it is your decision, Aerion. Whether you wish to continue being no more than a disciple or breakthrough that barrier and become something much... closer. The latter would be simpler since you already took her vital yin and so, you should take responsibility." The Dragon suggested.

"Wise words, friend... wise words, indeed! I couldn't have said it better myself." Rotias agreed. "More so, she is a half step Divine Extinction Realm cultivator now so you have to be on her best side or else no one in the God Realm will be able to save you."

I never thought that my seed could be this potent... at this point, it's comparable to a Heavenly Treasure.

Aerion stood up and left the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. However, as he left, he felt the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake call to him. It was something he had felt before but never bothered to explore. This time, the call was slightly more powerful.

A little adventure shouldn't hurt...

Aerion dived into the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake and flew to the bottommost layer. On the ground laid a girl who had wrapped herself into a ball. With a quick observation, he discovered that this girl was the Ice Phoenix! The Ice Phoenix... the real thing, not just some Divine Spirit!

"You decided to come... at last."

"Well, what is it? Why have you called upon this King?"

"To inform you of the calamity that is fated to strike the Realm of the Gods."

"How great is this calamity?" Aerion inquired.

"You still lack the strength to know that... firstly, do you even know of the Four Creation Gods and Devil Emperors?"

"I know their names. Do they somehow relate to this calamity since you are asking about them first?"

"Indeed, they do. This calamity is the reason why I have yet to end my petty and lonely life... even after a million years since the disaster, the calamity has yet to strike."

This caught Aerion's attention. "Go on."

He found out that the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor was, in fact, the Heretic God's wife. They apparently had an offspring which was considered taboo since the child was half god and half devil. To remove this shame, the leader of the Four (well, three) Creation Gods, decided to take action against the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor. He used the Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword to blast open the Wall of Primal Chaos which resulted in the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor being banished from the Primal Chaos Dimension.

Then the Heretic God duelled Mo E to decide the fate of the offspring... the victor was unknown, even to the Ice Phoenix. Only those two Creation Gods knew the result. Aerion put all these things together.

"Banished... this was before the Evil Infant's Wheel of Myriad Tribulations was released. So, could it be that the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor survived the banishment and currently remains outside of the Primal Chaos Dimension? If so, then she must be the calamity you speak of. But how would she be able to break through the Wall of Primal Chaos, in that case?"

"... You caught on quickly. Perhaps, I told you too much... either way, the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor is the calamity. The crimson crack which grows with every passing day is the result of the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor's actions. The Heavenly Treasure used to achieve this is none other than the World Piercer... without it, it is likely that even the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor would have fallen long ago, outside of the Primal Chaos Dimension."

"I see. Then this King will do his best to prepare for the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor's imminent arrival."

"That is good to hear. Before that day comes, I want you to return to me once more... when you are truly prepared to face this calamity."

"I'll do that." Aerion nodded.

He left the Ice Phoenix and returned to the surface of the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. He flew to the Sacred Hall and took a deep breath before entering. His mind was racing with thoughts of how to approach Mu Xuanyin and how she would approach him.

Here I go...

Aerion entered the Sacred Hall where, at the very centre, stood a beautiful yet ice-cold figure. He, himself, didn't exactly know how he felt towards her. It was rather complicated, to say the least.

"Your sight returned later than expected."

"How long has it been?" Aerion asked.

"A little over a year."

A little over a year!? It would seem that using Izanagi-No-Okami bares far greater consequences when Izanagi has been used four times in a row. And by the sounds of it, this new Kamui might be superior to the Susanoo and Emperor. Perhaps that is the real reason why it took a year...

"It seems that Master has taken several boundless steps in her cultivation during this year... I am glad. Grateful, as well. If it weren't for Master then I would have died in the God Burying Inferno Prison..."

"Hmph... never mention that place again, unless this King wants you to."

"As you wish, Master."

"Only eleven months remain until the God Convention and you stand at the peak of the Divine Tribulation Realm. I am certain that you will wish to face your heavenly tribulation lightning before the God Convention... eleven months is more than enough for you."

"I'm not worried about my cultivation strength at this very moment, the cultivation of my companions is more important as I wish for them to attend the God Convention with me."

"... With you? They have barely entered the Divine Origin Realm... to enter they would need to reach the Divine Tribulation Realm in just eleven months. That is impossible unless you attain two Universe Penta Jade Pellets."

"Well, they won't just be entering for the fun of it. I want them to reach the top one thousand!" Aerion replied in a determined tone.

"Hmph, that is foolish dreaming."

"Then I will turn my foolish dreaming into reality."

"And how will you do that?" Mu Xuanyin replied.

"I will pour all of my efforts into Robb and Izanami... well that's simple, some dual-cultivation should do the trick. To achieve this, I can't stay in the Snow Song Realm... I need to venture outside."

"... I see. One is plausible while the other is very much unlikely to succeed. Whatever it is you decide to do, know that your Master will always stand beside you."

"And I will always stand beside you, Master. I dare not even dream of having another Master... because there isn't anyone better, I would only be down-grading." Aerion chuckled.

"Hmph." Mu Xuanyin brought out one and half dead ancient horned dragons, both with their hearts intact. "The remains are yours to keep, do what you will with them."

Aerion placed the remains into the Sky Poison Pearl. "They will definitely come in handy."

Since Mu Xuanyin didn't want to speak of the God Burying Inferno Prison, for now, so Aerion didn't bring it up again. He left for the Ice Phoenix City soon after, more specifically, the thirty-sixth Ice Phoenix Palace.

Robb opened his eyes. "My Lord, you woke at last!"

"Heh, my eyes took a slight bit longer to recover this time around. Anyway... do you still feel the same way about Mu Feixue?"

"Yes... nothing has changed, in fact, she is my motivation to grow stronger. I have realised that I won't be able to reach her unless I try my very best... even then, it's almost hopeless."

Aerion nodded. "I see. Have you... approached her yet?"

"No... I'd rather not embarrass myself, haha."

"A wise decision." Aerion smiled. "I will make sure you reach her in a year! Whether you manage to burn away her cold heart or not, is up to you... but I promise that she will no longer be unreachable a year from now."

"Lord, you... do you really mean that?"

"Of course, I would never lie to you... unless it's a jest. Love is a serious matter which can severely affect a person mentally... in a negative or positive way, for an unknown period of time. You have served me well for so many years, both as a subject and friend, therefore, I see it as my duty to assist you in this endeavour as best as I can."

"What if she rejects me, even after I become strong?"

Aerion laughed. "There are plenty more fish in the sea, my friend. If she cannot appreciate your love then someone else surely will."

"So... how will I grow strong enough to reach her in a year?"

"A few pills, hard work and a couple of Divine Kings willingly 'granting' you their cultivation strength."